

  1. I was gonna try and do something, but then I remembered it was Sunday and my parents won't let me do things on Sunday

    Sunday, 17-Feb-13 19:10:01 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    1. @foxgopher Rattle the bars!! or not. x3

      Sunday, 17-Feb-13 19:11:10 UTC from web
    2. @jjpicklegherkinzombie You ever seen one?

      Sunday, 17-Feb-13 19:16:28 UTC from web
    3. @jjpicklegherkinzombie That's cool dude. I've only been in American stuff. Ford GT, Viper, Corvettes... I wanna go in a European supercar.

      Sunday, 17-Feb-13 19:20:07 UTC from web
    4. @jjpicklegherkinzombie McLaren had a road car in '03? They weren't still making the F1.

      Sunday, 17-Feb-13 19:23:52 UTC from web
    5. @jjpicklegherkinzombie Ah... Yeah, Lotus is amazing when it tries.

      Sunday, 17-Feb-13 19:38:42 UTC from web
    6. @jjpicklegherkinzombie Still. Sweet. Hey, I gotta go. Ttyl

      Sunday, 17-Feb-13 19:41:28 UTC from web