

  1. Alright! Now I need to install some drivers, then back onto the live CD to restore the backup and GRUB. Nearly done. Finally.

    Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 02:16:04 UTC from web
    1. @widget Yes

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 02:18:06 UTC from web
    2. @neurario You shouldn't have to do anything with GRUB again, you already installed it.

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 02:18:22 UTC from web
    3. @widget Why is that, if you don't mind me asking?

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 02:24:09 UTC from web
      1. @neurario Some of the files in /etc are auto-generated at runtime and would be stale in a backup.

        Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 02:25:17 UTC from web
    4. @widget I don't think that specifically is an issue, because you shouldn't have to re-add the users to the system.

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 02:26:16 UTC from web
    5. @widget All of that should be saved in /etc though. There isn't some special "registry" or what have you for login data that exists outside of the filesystem, it all has to be written down somewhere so the programs that need to can access it.

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 06:02:03 UTC from web
    6. @widget Accounts would be set up is my point. As for programs missing, that's what /usr/portage/packages and /var/lib/portage are for.

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 06:21:53 UTC from web