

  1. Patrick Stump has my favourite voice

    Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 04:38:38 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    1. @yodelerty Dane Dychkowski has my favourite voice

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 04:40:38 UTC from web
      1. @renovatedkitchen No my voice is not good at the talking or the singing

        Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 04:41:22 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        1. @yodelerty (Dont shoot me, but) I heard you on skype and your voice sounded pretty cool to me. I would gladly trade voices

          Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 04:43:14 UTC from web
          1. @renovatedkitchen People say that but I just don't hear it.

            Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 04:43:47 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            1. @yodelerty Listen to my voice and you will love yourself much more

              Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 04:45:13 UTC from web
              1. @renovatedkitchen I have heard your voice on Skype. It's not bad. I wouldn't trade voices, though. I've put a lot of time and effort into being able to sing half decent and I wouldn't want to give that up.

                Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 04:48:09 UTC from web
                1. @yodelerty My voice is the sound of badness. Do you not have any of your musical stuff posted?

                  Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 04:50:05 UTC from web
                  1. @renovatedkitchen I've only recorded myself once and I hated it so I deleted it. This was about a year ago, though, so I've gotten better. But I'm still not comfortable with having to listen to myself. Plus, I barely get time where I'm alone to actually record myself singing.

                    Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 04:52:35 UTC from web
                    1. @yodelerty Thats true. Maybe Timothy will record you in a skype call and auto tune it. Then use it later to seduce Skrillex

                      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 04:54:07 UTC from web
                      1. @renovatedkitchen I hope Skrillex-sempai notices me. It will be so sugoi.

                        Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 04:55:36 UTC from web
                        1. @yodelerty What if he is better than you at pokemon?

                          Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 04:56:53 UTC from web
                          1. @renovatedkitchen He may be better than me at making money but he will never beat me at Pokémon.

                            Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 04:57:32 UTC from web
                            1. @yodelerty What if Pikachu follows him everywhere

                              Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 04:58:31 UTC from web
                              1. @renovatedkitchen Then somehow he has found the way to befriend the pogeymans and I will ask him how

                                Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 04:59:15 UTC from web
                                1. @yodelerty What if he challenged you to a fiddle duel?

                                  Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:00:01 UTC from web
                                  1. @renovatedkitchen I would lose and the Skrillex would get my soul.

                                    Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:02:23 UTC from web
                                    1. @yodelerty What if Skrillex was a gummy?

                                      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:05:52 UTC from web
                                      1. @renovatedkitchen These questions are getting weird man

                                        Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:06:28 UTC from web
                                        1. @yodelerty I should drink more

                                          Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:10:28 UTC from web
                                          1. @renovatedkitchen But not too much.

                                            Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:11:58 UTC from web
                                            1. @yodelerty Depends on how much I can I guess

                                              Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:13:15 UTC from web
                                              1. @renovatedkitchen But not to excess.

                                                Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:14:54 UTC from web
                                                1. @yodelerty It depends. I've been working on english for a while and forgot to drink more. Dont wanna be up too late

                                                  Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:17:35 UTC from web
                                                  1. @renovatedkitchen You also don't want to be too drunk to write your paper.

                                                    Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:18:58 UTC from web
                                                    1. @yodelerty Oh, I do. Its english and a depressing paper

                                                      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:19:58 UTC from web
                                                      1. @renovatedkitchen Well I hope you can still write well while you're drunk. If you can't, that's a sign you should do it sober.

                                                        Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:20:40 UTC from web
                                                        1. @yodelerty We shall do a test then. Only way to find out

                                                          Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:22:30 UTC from web
                                                          1. @renovatedkitchen As long as you have adequate time to do so.

                                                            Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:23:13 UTC from web
                                                            1. @yodelerty I still got tomorrow night

                                                              Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:24:10 UTC from web
                                                              1. @renovatedkitchen I don't know if that's enough time.

                                                                Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:24:33 UTC from web
                                                                1. @yodelerty Im almost done already actually. I just need to proof read

                                                                  Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:25:37 UTC from web
                                                                  1. @renovatedkitchen Oh. Then good for you! Bravo! Etc.

                                                                    Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:26:05 UTC from web
    2. @vt3c Lol. Yeah. I honestly just couldnt focus before

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:25:05 UTC from web
    3. @vt3c Very nice. Too bad you don't have the money, huh? :/

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:29:27 UTC from web
    4. @vt3c But the purple is faded. Plus, its a Honda Civic Dx...... That face..... DX.......

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:31:45 UTC from web
    5. @vt3c That would be pretty cool. All depends on the price though

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:32:47 UTC from web
    6. @vt3c Cool man cool. I got mine as a birthday/Christmas gift.

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:33:10 UTC from web
    7. @vt3c Yep.

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:34:32 UTC from web
    8. @vt3c 2002. It doesn't have any letters slapped on it so I assume it's the super fantastic base model.

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:36:41 UTC from web
    9. @vt3c Cool. Good to know my car is decent enough. I wish the windows wouldn't fog up so much in the winter, though, because goddamn do they ever.

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:40:14 UTC from web
    10. @vt3c @goldensteel wrestling....ya feel like saying anything earlier.... don't go looking me up good dam it!!!!

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:41:38 UTC from web
      1. @rockstar What? sorry i am slightly confused 9.6

        Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:45:12 UTC from web
        1. @goldensteel about what?????

          Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:45:40 UTC from web
          1. @rockstar your previous statement after the wrestling part

            Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:46:52 UTC from web
            1. @goldensteel oh i was talking to vt3c we had a conversation earlier about the something and i didn't fill like talking about it

              Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:48:33 UTC from web
              1. @rockstar ah ok

                Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:49:10 UTC from web
                1. @goldensteel yeppp

                  Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:50:08 UTC from web
                  1. @rockstar what fanfics have you read recently?

                    Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:51:18 UTC from web
                    1. @goldensteel cupcakes and my little dash are the only ones i have read so far

                      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:52:06 UTC from web
                      1. @rockstar Cupcakes made me very quezy, which wasn't good since i was just about in class

                        Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:53:22 UTC from web
                        1. @goldensteel same for me but if it didn't it wouldn't be so well know

                          Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:54:46 UTC from web
                          1. @rockstar yeah, its based around the song by wooden toaster

                            Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:57:04 UTC from web
                            1. @goldensteel ??? wood what

                              Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:58:29 UTC from web
                              1. @rockstar the musician who made the song is named wooden toaster, at least his youtube name is that, just look up rainbow factory on youtube and you'll find it

                                Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 06:00:17 UTC from web
                                1. @goldensteel k soulds like a good song and a story yyyaaayy!

                                  Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 06:01:26 UTC from web
                                  1. @rockstar sweet

                                    Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 06:02:07 UTC from web
                                    1. @goldensteel ya i better go to bed to see you later

                                      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 06:04:35 UTC from web
                                      1. @rockstar c ya. brohoof (\

                                        Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 06:06:12 UTC from web
                                        1. @goldensteel yay night:)

                                          Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 06:06:43 UTC from web
                                          1. @rockstar night

                                            Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 06:07:13 UTC from web
                                    2. @goldensteel brohoof /)

                                      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 06:04:59 UTC from web
                    2. @goldensteel know any good ones??

                      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:53:19 UTC from web
                      1. @rockstar rainbow factory is a good one, i havent read many others either

                        Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:53:53 UTC from web
                        1. @goldensteel ok sounds good rainbow factory

                          Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:55:48 UTC from web
    11. @vt3c I might have a couple pictures with the car in them but not with the specific intent of showing the car.

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:43:08 UTC from web
    12. @vt3c I'll get one to you sometime when it's cleaner.

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:44:55 UTC from web
      1. @yodelerty Does it ever be cleaner?

        Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:46:59 UTC from web
        1. @renovatedkitchen When I take it to the car wash, it be.

          Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:48:23 UTC from web
    13. @vt3c Well I'm not really much of a car fanatic. I just know my car goes vroom and gets to places fast.

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:49:13 UTC from web
    14. @vt3c I really hope JDM stands for "Jewish death metal"

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:51:42 UTC from web
    15. @vt3c what are you i contact with someone i know???? your making me little paranoid

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:57:08 UTC from web
    16. @vt3c ya

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:57:38 UTC from web
    17. @jjpicklegherkinzombie Lexus

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:58:03 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    18. @vt3c oooooo you got me...... not i give a f$&^.... yep you right

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 05:59:38 UTC from web
    19. @vt3c oh i know you mom oooo

      Wednesday, 20-Feb-13 06:02:08 UTC from web