

  1. I'm heeding a hair cut but I'm trying to grow it out in case I'm going to midwest bronyfest

    Saturday, 23-Feb-13 04:40:36 UTC from web
    1. @epicrainbowdashfan 420 grow it

      Saturday, 23-Feb-13 04:41:44 UTC from web
    2. @epicrainbowdashfan I would go to one but i'm bad around people so I would sit in the corner being paranoid.

      Saturday, 23-Feb-13 04:42:34 UTC from web
      1. @thatoneguy14 @nerthos imgonna try to cosplay as Dr. Hooves, fortunately I have til late july, and I'm hopefully going with some friends

        Saturday, 23-Feb-13 04:45:37 UTC from web
        1. @epicrainbowdashfan me growing my hair out is so I don't have to buy a wig or dye my hair

          Saturday, 23-Feb-13 04:47:22 UTC from web
        2. @epicrainbowdashfan I'd like to see that but I'd rather eat then sit in a corner the whole time... I wanna stop being so skinny.

          Saturday, 23-Feb-13 04:48:03 UTC from web
          1. @thatoneguy14 lol, I'm trying to lose weight, if it wasn't for unpredictable missouri weather, I would've been in the gym yesterday and today

            Saturday, 23-Feb-13 04:49:51 UTC from web
            1. @epicrainbowdashfan I need weight because I am too skinny... My docter says im ok but I can see my ribs verry faintly so i'm just gonna eat most the day.

              Saturday, 23-Feb-13 04:52:09 UTC from web
              1. @thatoneguy14 get some protein powder, I'm almost 17, 5'11", 230 lbs

                Saturday, 23-Feb-13 04:53:34 UTC from web
                1. @epicrainbowdashfan I'm 14 5'6" 96.3 lbs

                  Saturday, 23-Feb-13 04:54:29 UTC from web
                  1. @thatoneguy14 is it sad that I can bench more than u weigh

                    Saturday, 23-Feb-13 04:55:13 UTC from web
                    1. @epicrainbowdashfan For me yes...

                      Saturday, 23-Feb-13 04:55:36 UTC from web
                    2. @epicrainbowdashfan My friends say i'm a walking skeleton.

                      Saturday, 23-Feb-13 04:56:06 UTC from web
                      1. @thatoneguy14 they're not kidding dude

                        Saturday, 23-Feb-13 04:57:11 UTC from web
                        1. @epicrainbowdashfan I know it's sad so I'm gonna eat most the time until I get normal.

                          Saturday, 23-Feb-13 04:58:19 UTC from web
                          1. @thatoneguy14 try eating some vegas style buffets

                            Saturday, 23-Feb-13 04:58:55 UTC from web
                            1. @epicrainbowdashfan Ya and i'll eat more than once a day.

                              Saturday, 23-Feb-13 04:59:31 UTC from web
                              1. @thatoneguy14 actually, for some reason, eating only once a day helps u gain weight, its not good for your body though so I wouldn't suggest it

                                Saturday, 23-Feb-13 05:00:43 UTC from web
                                1. @epicrainbowdashfan Then I should eat once every other day?

                                  Saturday, 23-Feb-13 05:01:52 UTC from web
                                  1. @thatoneguy14 still wouldn't suggest it cause, I repeat, IS NOT GOOD FOR IT, my uncle used to do that, almost got diabetes due to it

                                    Saturday, 23-Feb-13 05:02:58 UTC from web
                                    1. @epicrainbowdashfan So I should eat more and work on being able to handel being in a room with 3 or more people I don't know.

                                      Saturday, 23-Feb-13 05:05:08 UTC from web
                                  2. @thatoneguy14 not properly eating will cause a decline in metabolism which can cause further health and weight issues. Its a good idea to eat regularly just dont over do it. there are ways to watch calories based on your hight and weight.

                                    Saturday, 23-Feb-13 05:06:48 UTC from web
                                    1. @ryanjjjj I still need to eat more.

                                      Saturday, 23-Feb-13 05:07:51 UTC from web
                                      1. @thatoneguy14 but its not just eating more, you should have a good idea of what you need per day. if you fill up on crap your body will become carp and you will go off the other end.

                                        Saturday, 23-Feb-13 05:08:48 UTC from web
                                      2. @thatoneguy14 again, don't overdo it though unless u want to b on the Biggest Loser at 18

                                        Saturday, 23-Feb-13 05:08:50 UTC from web
                                        1. @epicrainbowdashfan I know I'll eat normal stuff just eat normal times during the day.

                                          Saturday, 23-Feb-13 05:10:00 UTC from web
                                          1. @thatoneguy14 yea, just try to add some normal work outs, snacks, and protein powder into your schedule

                                            Saturday, 23-Feb-13 05:11:27 UTC from web
                            2. @epicrainbowdashfan I'm actually gonna get a snack now.

                              Saturday, 23-Feb-13 05:00:27 UTC from web
                2. @epicrainbowdashfan 5'11" and 230lbs? Man, I'm taller /and/ lighter and I still have a potbelly

                  Saturday, 23-Feb-13 04:56:47 UTC from web
                  1. @redenchilada hey, I'm working on my weight

                    Saturday, 23-Feb-13 04:58:02 UTC from web
                  2. @redenchilada like a champion!

                    Saturday, 23-Feb-13 04:59:08 UTC from web