

  1. I want to get a get-together for local bronies started. What do.

    Wednesday, 20-Mar-13 04:04:43 UTC from web
    1. @jecksy Is there a group on RDN for your area? If not, make one. You could also check

      Wednesday, 20-Mar-13 04:05:53 UTC from web
      1. @theglark There is but nobody is active. I'm from ND. There's a facebook group for ND Bronies but again, nobody active.

        Wednesday, 20-Mar-13 04:07:27 UTC from web
        1. @jecksy Maybe ND brownies were tactically eliminated.

          Wednesday, 20-Mar-13 04:08:53 UTC from web
        2. @jecksy Well then. Sounds like you need to get them active. I suggest, partying. And partying hard, at that.

          Wednesday, 20-Mar-13 04:09:54 UTC from web
          1. @theglark @anarchycarcino lol The idea of both of these things happening in ND makes me giggle.:P

            Wednesday, 20-Mar-13 04:11:46 UTC from web
            1. @jecksy We're right.

              Wednesday, 20-Mar-13 04:11:58 UTC from web
              1. @anarchycarcino Elimination failed. Some person(s) keeps beating me to the MLP merchandise.

                Wednesday, 20-Mar-13 04:15:57 UTC from web
                1. @jecksy >inb4 it's 8-year-old girls

                  Wednesday, 20-Mar-13 04:16:35 UTC from web
                  1. @theglark I hope not. I'm more comfortable with the idea of beating up grown men for toys. :P

                    Wednesday, 20-Mar-13 04:22:17 UTC from web
                    1. @jecksy You had me at "beating up."

                      Wednesday, 20-Mar-13 04:25:04 UTC from web
                2. @jecksy I have that same problem here.

                  Wednesday, 20-Mar-13 12:56:16 UTC from web
            2. @jecksy Hard parties are best parties, and tactical eliminations are best eliminations.

              Wednesday, 20-Mar-13 04:12:31 UTC from web