

  1. I saw one image and just wanted to share... and then I found more. God save us all.

    Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:10:40 UTC from web
    1. @rarity I like the first one.

      Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:11:50 UTC from web
      1. @wafers I like the /art/ of the first one. But then I realize it's supposed to be this and I hork.

        Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:12:57 UTC from web
        1. @rarity I used to like his videos. Nothing wrong with him though, his fans are annoying.

          Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:15:47 UTC from web
          1. @wafers he makes me even deafer than I already am. And he makes rape jokes. If you make rape jokes you are the scum of the earth, period.

            Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:18:24 UTC from web
            1. @rarity So, almost any comedian is scum of the earth?

              Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:19:01 UTC from web
              1. @wafers if they make rape jokes, yes.

                Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:19:27 UTC from web
                1. @rarity Anything is funny to joke about if done tastefully.

                  Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:21:05 UTC from web
                  1. @wafers It's pretty difficult to "tastefully" make light of something like rape.

                    Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:23:06 UTC from web
                    1. @theglark Some comedians pull it off. I'm just saying if people can make jokes about genocide, what makes rape so different?

                      Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:25:30 UTC from web
                      1. @wafers I don't really think genocide is funny, either.

                        Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:26:02 UTC from web
                        1. @theglark But people still make tons of them.

                          Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:27:52 UTC from web
                          1. @wafers And?

                            Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:28:54 UTC from web
                            1. @theglark Not much else to say. People can find anything funny. No matter what it is.

                              Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:30:29 UTC from web
                  2. @wafers >rape joke >tasteful

                    Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:23:13 UTC from web
                    1. @rarity > mknecraft = epic

                      Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:23:55 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      1. @bluberyblast and this is relevant how?

                        Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:24:16 UTC from web
                        1. @rarity butter .3.

                          Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:24:52 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                          1. @bluberyblast (Tackle hug) slurpy it's you

                            Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:27:29 UTC from web
                            1. @error wtf r u?

                              Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:28:12 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                              1. @bluberyblast I am @error a.k.a. pokestrike

                                Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:28:49 UTC from web
                                1. @error oh then wd :3

                                  Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:29:34 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                  1. @bluberyblast I am your friend I just changed name

                                    Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:30:01 UTC from web
                                    1. @error nu cANge it back xP lol jk

                                      Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:31:05 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                      1. @bluberyblast not today. but what is your CM?

                                        Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:33:41 UTC from web
                                        1. @mushi umm a blue lightning bolt coming from the ground to a blue cloud xD

                                          Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:34:50 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                          1. @bluberyblast i draw that, eventually >_>

                                            Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:35:39 UTC from web
                                            1. @mushi k :3 thanks

                                              Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:35:59 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                            2. @mushi ur da best drawer :D

                                              Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:36:37 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                              1. @bluberyblast thanks ^^

                                                Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:37:15 UTC from web
                                                1. @mushi °||° ok idk wat dat is xD

                                                  Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:39:26 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                                  1. @bluberyblast i'd say that is a grasshopper xD

                                                    Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:39:53 UTC from web
                                                    1. @mushi xD

                                                      Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:40:22 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    2. @snowcone It's different. But I've learned not to try to argue an opinion on this site. It's much better to present your opinion and run away like a little dole

      Thursday, 21-Mar-13 01:21:16 UTC from web