

  1. On disk DLC is like buying a pizza, only when your pizza is delivered, the deliveryman instead hands you a single sheet of paper covered in unreadable symbols. You take the symbols to a professor of archaeology and he tells you that they're the writings of a long dead civilization. In order to decode the symbols you travel to the modern country whose borders most closely align with the dead civilizations, as you step off the plane, a woman asks you to hold onto her bag for you whilst she ties her shoes. As she's tying her shoes, you glance across the airport concourse and see an old man waving goodbye to his children as they board their flight. He turns away and sheds a single tear. The woman takes her bag back and you sit down to buy a cinnamon roll from an airside restaurant. That's what on-disk DLC is like.

    Sunday, 24-Mar-13 20:17:34 UTC from web
    1. @ceruleanspark Actually I would compare it to a Pizzadelivery man giving you a box containing a pizza you would be able to eat, but it would also have a safe on said pizza. and without the key you can not open the safe, and the safe holds the cheese topping.

      Sunday, 24-Mar-13 20:20:49 UTC from web
    2. I suddenly crave pancakes topped with dr.pepper

      Sunday, 24-Mar-13 20:22:27 UTC from web