

  1. Alistair - All this darkspawn business is making me feel stressed. Ogrehn - Know what I do to releive stress? Alistair - Er no? Ogrehn - I polish my weapon Alistair - Ewwww, I really didn't need to know that. Ogrehn - Yep nothing like giving your weapon a good polish under the stars Alistair - What, you mean like out in the open, where everyone can see you? Ogrehn - Yup. Alistair - Thats disgusting! Ogrehn - Don't tell me you've never given your weapon a good polish with some grease and a cloth. Alistair - Wait what are you talking about? Ogrehn - What are you talking about? #

    Tuesday, 26-Mar-13 18:47:02 UTC from web