

  1. @snowflakewaterfall I'm Dan, don't worry, I'm new to all this too! Seems like such a friendly corner of the internet though :D

    Monday, 18-Jul-11 00:45:19 UTC from web
    1. @solidsmithers Heheh. Yeah. "Friendly".

      Monday, 18-Jul-11 00:46:01 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    2. @solidsmithers I know right! Everyones so...Nice! tehe!

      Monday, 18-Jul-11 00:48:12 UTC from web
      1. @snowflakewaterfall Well, we love and tolerate, not hate and... Hate.

        Monday, 18-Jul-11 00:51:00 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        1. @nvrrmbr Thats very , very true.

          Monday, 18-Jul-11 00:58:16 UTC from web
    3. @solidsmithers Im a girl by the way ^_^

      Monday, 18-Jul-11 00:57:15 UTC from web
      1. @snowflakewaterfall You keep reminding everyone.

        Monday, 18-Jul-11 00:57:58 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        1. @nvrrmbr haha i know, its because most people i speak too think im a boy >< its happend on flankbook many...many times this week ><

          Monday, 18-Jul-11 00:59:22 UTC from web
          1. @snowflakewaterfall Well, you'd still be awesome if you were a guy.

            Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:00:13 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            1. @nvrrmbr ...O.o iv never thought that way, tehe ><

              Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:01:42 UTC from web
              1. @snowflakewaterfall That little "tehe" thing, do you do that in real life too? It seems like it would be cute, but would get really annoying.

                Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:03:08 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                1. @nvrrmbr haha , no I dont ><

                  Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:06:49 UTC from web
    4. @lelouch In what way? a friendship way? >< Yes your very nice 83

      Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:06:01 UTC from web
      1. @snowflakewaterfall Do you love me? Friendship-y kind of way.

        Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:06:38 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        1. @nvrrmbr Yush! ^_^

          Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:07:10 UTC from web
          1. @snowflakewaterfall "Yush"? "Tehe"? You remind me very much of a good friend I had a little while back... This may be a bittersweet friendship, just warning you.

            Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:12:50 UTC from web
            1. @nvrrmbr Haha >< Do i wanna know why you had him/her ''a while back'' stating your not anymore? :P

              Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:14:00 UTC from web
              1. @snowflakewaterfall We sort of... Fell out of touch. Meaning she moved. A really long way off.

                Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:15:14 UTC from web
                1. @nvrrmbr Awe...

                  Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:15:43 UTC from web
            2. @nvrrmbr @nvrrmbr And ok, But i'm not really good at singing. Its a two year old video, so expect me to have a much younger voice, and ...well im from England >< an English voice.

              Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:15:27 UTC from web
              1. @snowflakewaterfall I don't mind! English accents are sexy~ So are stensons, and bow ties. That's what I learned from Doctor Who.

                Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:20:11 UTC from web
                1. @nvrrmbr DOCTOR WHO, FOR THE WIN. ><!

                  Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:21:44 UTC from web
                2. @nvrrmbr There it is, proof im a girl >< Excuse my horrible voice xD

                  Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:23:40 UTC from web
                  1. @snowflakewaterfall That was actually... Really good. Your voice is surprisingly... amazing.

                    Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:25:32 UTC from web
                    1. @nvrrmbr Awe, thank you ^^

                      Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:27:47 UTC from web
                3. @nvrrmbr By the way ''bittersweet''? That does me just fine! XD lets just say...I really like the concept of ''Opposites attract'' and ''Hate/love'' types of things from one of my different fandoms ><

                  Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:25:33 UTC from web
                  1. @snowflakewaterfall Ohai, just realized you're new here too. Here's a late welcome.

                    Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:26:53 UTC from web
                    1. @starshine *huggles* Hello! 8D

                      Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:28:41 UTC from web
                  2. @snowflakewaterfall Well, let's just say... We had a bit of an on/off love/hate kind of relationship.

                    Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:28:35 UTC from web
                    1. @nvrrmbr FOR THE WIN ><

                      Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:29:15 UTC from web
                      1. @snowflakewaterfall I wouldn't mind if it were the same for you and I.

                        Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:31:09 UTC from web
                        1. @nvrrmbr haha >< Only the future can tell what is in store for our friendship ><

                          Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:32:09 UTC from web
                          1. @snowflakewaterfall Yesh, only the future can tell our future. Now, how to find out the future? To the tardis!

                            Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:34:27 UTC from web
                            1. @nvrrmbr Where did the doctor park it T_T

                              Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:35:40 UTC from web
                              1. @snowflakewaterfall Of course, we lost it again. Now, how to find it?

                                Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:36:44 UTC from web
                                1. @nvrrmbr I dont know DX *Thinks*

                                  Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:38:36 UTC from web
                                  1. @snowflakewaterfall Hmm... Maybe it's in the past?

                                    Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:40:42 UTC from web
                                    1. @nvrrmbr T_T it always keeps drifting there...

                                      Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:43:53 UTC from web
                                      1. @snowflakewaterfall Oh well. I guess we'll just have to wait for the future, Kelsie.

                                        Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:46:26 UTC from web
                                        1. @nvrrmbr 38

                                          Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:46:47 UTC from web
                                          1. @snowflakewaterfall 42

                                            Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:47:55 UTC from web
                                            1. @starshine o.o 38 is a sad face. ><

                                              Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:49:48 UTC from web
        2. @nvrrmbr Oh dear, I guess if I do keep saying im a girl, its going too sound suspisious >< If you would like proof though, I have a recording of me singing from about..two years ago? >< on a really old account though. I still have access to it though ><

          Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:08:53 UTC from web
          1. @snowflakewaterfall I'd love to hear that! Yes, please!

            Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:11:40 UTC from web
    5. @lelouch tehe

      Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:09:45 UTC from web
    6. @lelouch >< Woah Ponies around here *really* must not see that many girls...alrighty then. >< I can sign in that account for you and...leave a comment somewhere?

      Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:27:31 UTC from web
      1. @snowflakewaterfall Wait what. @lelouch, be quiet. Why do we need proof that somepony is a girl, sheesh.

        Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:29:10 UTC from web
    7. @lelouch *pokes* Would you like me too do what i said?

      Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:36:06 UTC from web
    8. @lelouch Oh ok >< Sawwy.

      Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:40:19 UTC from web
    9. @zachariastargazer Hey Zacky~

      Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:48:47 UTC from web
    10. @zachariastargazer I'm good! And you?

      Monday, 18-Jul-11 01:53:19 UTC from web