

  1. Man the Doctor better kill Derpy in the next Discord Whooves update. I'm tired of her.

    Tuesday, 09-Apr-13 00:48:05 UTC from web
    1. @zeldatra I go over to that blog and I see Doctor Whooves and Jack sucking face on a couch. Wat?

      Tuesday, 09-Apr-13 00:52:00 UTC from web
      1. @greenscarecrow It's not his fault he's a hussy.

        Tuesday, 09-Apr-13 00:52:47 UTC from web
      2. @greenscarecrow Also, Don't call him Doctor Whooves, I will maim you.

        Tuesday, 09-Apr-13 00:54:53 UTC from web
        1. @zeldatra Chatting on RDN , IN 3-D

          Tuesday, 09-Apr-13 00:55:18 UTC from web
        2. @zeldatra I honestly don't know what to call The Doctor from that blog anymore.

          Tuesday, 09-Apr-13 00:55:37 UTC from web
          1. @greenscarecrow I bet he doesn't even have a doctorate.

            Tuesday, 09-Apr-13 00:56:30 UTC from web