

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @kolzach It's concerning if you're going to go to college yet misspelling the word college

      Friday, 12-Apr-13 04:47:59 UTC from StatusNet Android
    2. @kolzach I still need to do something about applying for college, myself. :s

      Friday, 12-Apr-13 04:50:35 UTC from StatusNet Android
    3. @kolzach like, sound engineering?

      Friday, 12-Apr-13 04:52:03 UTC from web
    4. @kolzach so like, composing music? or is it just music theory you're taking.

      Friday, 12-Apr-13 04:52:58 UTC from web
    5. @kolzach You /always/ need "that good of a college". Something that excels in the program you're aiming for. Otherwise you're wasting your time.

      Friday, 12-Apr-13 04:53:48 UTC from StatusNet Android
    6. @kolzach You need a plan more than you need a great college.

      Friday, 12-Apr-13 04:54:14 UTC from web
      1. @publictimeline oh god you need a plan to do well in college? I'm screwed then

        Friday, 12-Apr-13 04:55:49 UTC from StatusNet Android
        1. @redenchilada no worries. i have no plan and im in college.

          Friday, 12-Apr-13 04:56:36 UTC from web
        2. @redenchilada you may be screwed. You may be boned. But you'll never, EVER be Sweetie Belle, and for that you can wipe the sweat off your brow in relief

          Friday, 12-Apr-13 04:58:51 UTC from web