

  1. God dammit I'm an emotional wreck. If I'm not happy I'm angry at someone or depressed by the dead-end my life will eventually become.

    Monday, 15-Apr-13 03:23:16 UTC from web
    1. @zeldatra Now now. It gets better. Trust me. Life is has terrible ups and downs. Believe me. Just remember, don't let something petty like this break you. You are not a teacup. You are a sturdy tin cup that can take a beating or two.

      Monday, 15-Apr-13 03:27:43 UTC from web
      1. @cabal Yeah, I am by no means giving up entirely. I actually am very happy, most of the time. But I get angry really easily, and that's a flaw I constantly try to fix, to no avail. Depression usually sinks in after I realize how stupid I am and it is painful as all hell. Thanks, though.

        Monday, 15-Apr-13 03:31:11 UTC from web