

  1. @bowandlyre ohai friend.

    Thursday, 02-May-13 03:51:13 UTC from web
    1. @theawesomepony Hello! Been awhile hasn't it?

      Thursday, 02-May-13 03:51:43 UTC from web
      1. @bowandlyre indeed it has, how are you?

        Thursday, 02-May-13 03:54:59 UTC from web
        1. @theawesomepony I've been sick for 2 weeks...

          Thursday, 02-May-13 03:55:50 UTC from web
          1. @bowandlyre ouch, i haven't been sick in a almost 2 years

            Thursday, 02-May-13 03:58:15 UTC from web
            1. @theawesomepony Lucky you! I've just thought about it as a vacation at this point, a painfull boring vacation XD

              Thursday, 02-May-13 03:59:40 UTC from web
              1. @bowandlyre well it's because for one school got me sick, people decided to cough on me. the reason why i haven't gotten sick was because i'm graduated.

                Thursday, 02-May-13 04:01:56 UTC from web
                1. @theawesomepony People are terrible :/ they made fun of me for having an ear infection saying i was a "boston marathon surviver" and my ear was messed up because of the explosion.

                  Thursday, 02-May-13 04:04:31 UTC from web
                  1. @bowandlyre .....dude. That's horrible.

                    Thursday, 02-May-13 04:04:56 UTC from web
                    1. @flamingpandaomg People are horrible at my school like that.

                      Thursday, 02-May-13 04:05:28 UTC from web
                    2. @flamingpandaomg Oh and remember that friend I was complaining about? Yeah he was the one who started the joke...

                      Thursday, 02-May-13 04:08:35 UTC from web
                  2. @bowandlyre What the hell.

                    Thursday, 02-May-13 04:05:19 UTC from web
                    1. @yodelerty Yeah...

                      Thursday, 02-May-13 04:05:45 UTC from web
                  3. @bowandlyre that is messed up man, sorry to hear that. people don't know how to cover their mouth and they go to school when they are sick which is really stupid.

                    Thursday, 02-May-13 04:06:59 UTC from web
                    1. @theawesomepony Yeah I never go to school when I'm sick. Don't know how some people can.

                      Thursday, 02-May-13 04:07:57 UTC from web
                      1. @bowandlyre well they don't want to have to make up work, schools are retarded, and so are parents

                        Thursday, 02-May-13 04:08:48 UTC from web
                        1. @theawesomepony I'll take make up work any day than being in school sick.

                          Thursday, 02-May-13 04:09:44 UTC from web
                          1. @bowandlyre yeah it sucks because you feel dead and sleepy

                            Thursday, 02-May-13 04:10:48 UTC from web
                            1. @theawesomepony yeah it's horrible

                              Thursday, 02-May-13 04:11:46 UTC from web
                              1. @bowandlyre sounds like it, so is fluttershy your fave?

                                Thursday, 02-May-13 04:15:40 UTC from web
                                1. @theawesomepony yeah she's my fave!

                                  Thursday, 02-May-13 04:19:50 UTC from web
                                  1. @bowandlyre i donnt really have a fav lol just a top 3

                                    Thursday, 02-May-13 04:40:35 UTC from web