

  1. @darkcore Hey! I've got my eye on you. #

    Monday, 11-Apr-11 20:10:30 UTC from web
    1. @moonprincess Oi...not you again, don't you have somepony else to bug, maybe that annoying sister of yours

      Monday, 11-Apr-11 20:12:53 UTC from web
      1. @darkcore She's not on. And there's nopony else that's as fun to mess with.

        Monday, 11-Apr-11 20:20:38 UTC from web
        1. @moonprincess go bug @chipthe3rd , he could use someone pestering him! I've got # to do! I'm still working on how to set fire to all of Whitetail Woods!

          Monday, 11-Apr-11 20:22:37 UTC from web
          1. @darkcore But I happen to /like/ @chipthe3rd ...

            Monday, 11-Apr-11 20:26:26 UTC from web
            1. @moonprincess If he's bothering you, Princess, I don't mind.

              Monday, 11-Apr-11 20:26:56 UTC from web
            2. @moonprincess That's fine and dandy, but that doesn't give you the right to bug me! Now if you excuse me, I've some woods to burn down *grabs another saddlebag full of matches and kindling*

              Monday, 11-Apr-11 20:32:33 UTC from web