

  1. Hey cool thing I just realized.. You get way more value out of buying the the tin ($14) than you do buying the individual series 1 packs of cards ($2). Have a look see. it's only $2 extra for the tin and the exclusive Twilight card. You can always just resell the Twilight card and get back more than the difference. Essentially it's a free tin and poster! #

    Monday, 20-May-13 15:52:57 UTC from web
    1. @pony in other words, 6 packs+poster+tin+exclusive foil = $14 vs 6 packs = $12

      Monday, 20-May-13 16:03:13 UTC from web
      1. @pony Anyhow this is tempting to me who made the mistake of buying all the common cards, standees and tattoos in a set without any of the foils. I could hypothetically get all my money back if I sell the doubles.

        Monday, 20-May-13 16:09:02 UTC from web
        1. Any advice for reselling pony cards of which I have doubles?

          Monday, 20-May-13 16:09:30 UTC from web