

  1. # We see that some ponies do change their name based on what they become known for in Apple Family Reunion. Namely Aunt Applesauce got her name by losing her dentures in some apple sauce . So maybe it's possible ponies change their name to match their cutie marks in some cases while in other (e.g. Pinkie Pie) they keep their old names.

    Tuesday, 28-May-13 05:37:39 UTC from web
    1. @pony Celestia was originally named Aurora. Luna was originally named Borealis or Boris for short. #

      Tuesday, 28-May-13 05:46:42 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      1. @pony in Celestia's younger and more rebellious years: "hey Bo-ris it's nighttime so can you moon us already?"

        Tuesday, 28-May-13 05:48:06 UTC from web
        1. @prettypurpleprincesspublicprincesstimeline. The first of the sisters to get her cutie mark and change her name was Celestia. When Boris finally got hers Molestia was chosen because cel -> sun, mol -> moon. But then Molestia wen on a spirit quest and discovered that her spirit name was Luna.

          Tuesday, 28-May-13 05:55:44 UTC from MuSTArDroid