

  1. Today's question on - "I tend to judge people based on: The content of their character / How good-looking they are." I am so very tempted to lie. . . (that would mean choosing the second one)

    Wednesday, 29-May-13 15:44:30 UTC from web
    1. @scribus duuno the sight, but I do chose people on who they are, how they treat me, and I do prefer if they at least have hair on their head O_O

      Wednesday, 29-May-13 15:46:02 UTC from web
      1. @aloriality Yeah, it never really is 100% one or the other, is it? Like, if someone can't be bothered to shave regularly / trim their beard (like me), or get a haircut (like me), then I just figure they must be lazy in everything else (like me)... :p

        Wednesday, 29-May-13 15:47:51 UTC from web
        1. @scribus hey least you aren't bald to your ears and what you have left you have down to the mid of your back >.> longer than mine >.<

          Wednesday, 29-May-13 15:49:14 UTC from web
        2. @scribus also I'm not a fan of facial hair *bonks*

          Wednesday, 29-May-13 15:51:27 UTC from web
    2. @scribus am I evil for wanting people with head hair O_O

      Wednesday, 29-May-13 15:47:52 UTC from web
    3. @scribus haha, a little reverse phycology there

      Wednesday, 29-May-13 15:49:59 UTC from web
      1. @flutterguyemokid I will judge people on how they dress, though. For example, if a man can't properly wear a pair of trousers I assume he is similar to a toddler in most other ways. UNDERpants should be UNDER the PANTS, damn it all! D:<

        Wednesday, 29-May-13 15:51:26 UTC from web