

  1. # Probably not, considering that for example, "Scootaloo", "Sweetie Belle" and "Applebloom" may not have anything to do with their cutie marks. For one Sweetie Belle will most likely have some kind of singing cutie mark. As for Scootaloo, her's would most be one of the few that's related to her name (she might have a scooter or a skate board with wings, or something related as her cutie mark). For Applebloom, her's is kind of up in the air since she really hasn't displayed any sort of definite personal talent.

    Sunday, 02-Jun-13 17:39:09 UTC from web
    1. @jessi Applebloom was always seen as the buliding type cutie mark for me. Like she will be able to bulid stuff and all later on like barns and all that.

      Sunday, 02-Jun-13 17:41:27 UTC from web
      1. @longshot2 So maybe a carpenter cutie mark for her? (That really would have nothing to do with her "apple" themed name)

        Sunday, 02-Jun-13 17:46:25 UTC from web
        1. @jessi I don't know. Every where I turn, it always points to that. If we got back to the Cutie Mark Crusaders at the talent show, each filly's talent wasn't being us correctly. Sweetie Bell should have been singing, Scootalo should have been dancing, and Applebloom should have been working on the setting. If you ask me, that's where their there cutie marks could have appeared, if they were focusing on what they are good at, and not what they weren't good at.

          Sunday, 02-Jun-13 17:54:58 UTC from web
          1. @longshot2 I agree, but I've also taken notice of what they've done really well during most of the series. Scootaloo for one is an excellent pro skater. Sweetie Belle is obviously good at singing and, like you mentioned, Applebloom is good at making things.

            Sunday, 02-Jun-13 17:57:34 UTC from web
            1. @jessi That is very true as well. Scootalo is amazing at what she does on the scooter, no doubt about. But she hasn't gotten her cutie mark for it. Wouldn't she have it by now if that was it? Don't get me wrong, maybe she has to up her skills before she actually does get it or something, but she would have her mark by now if it did involve the scooter, right?

              Sunday, 02-Jun-13 18:02:31 UTC from web
              1. @longshot2 Yeah, you would think so. It just makes you wonder why she hasn't gotten it yet. Maybe if in one of the upcoming new episodes, she pulls off a really awesome skate trick and ends up getting her cutie mark that way.

                Sunday, 02-Jun-13 18:05:31 UTC from web
                1. @jessi I guess we just have to wait. No sense in arguing (which we really weren't doing). I was also thinking of Sweetie Bell, though. As soon as I posted that comment, I had to rethink something. If Sweetie Bell's cutie mark is for singing, why has she had her's as well?

                  Sunday, 02-Jun-13 18:08:54 UTC from web
                  1. @longshot2 That's a good question. Maybe their true talents are something else that we just haven't seen yet.

                    Sunday, 02-Jun-13 18:26:00 UTC from web
                    1. @jessi Yeah. I can agree with that completely.

                      Sunday, 02-Jun-13 18:29:38 UTC from web