

  1. @ixfocus I am back, and yeah I will agre phpBB is a good one to go for. It can be a little complicated with it's backend admin system at times, setting people with user groups and so on. But it's all good never the less, something else you may be interested in is this. It's a Photo and media storage gallery, so say you have your site and it's forum but want somewhere you users can store pics and such. They can create a acount on your Coppermine installation and create albums and what not to share, and seeing as it's on your site you decide on the rullings of it.

    Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 12:18:28 UTC from web
    1. @mrdragon The Cmine looks like a handy feature. So we'll go with the phpBB one? Also, a thing I've noticed with forums is that I'll need admins, since I can't be on to monitor trolling and spamming all of my life.

      Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 12:21:19 UTC from web
      1. @ixfocus You can get a few plugins to stop spambots from joining, and as for admins/mods that would be upto you, people who you meet or now.

        Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 12:22:20 UTC from web
        1. @mrdragon Okay, makes sense. So how'd I go about making and developing the forum? Since the banner, background and everything should be changed to fit the theme.

          Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 12:23:58 UTC from web
          1. @ixfocus Well first thing would be for you to get it on your site, you do have access to the mysql database and phpmyadmin?

            Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 12:25:05 UTC from web
            1. @mrdragon I just checked. Yes, I do.

              Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 12:28:31 UTC from web