

  1. @ixfocus It's not the coding. It's the server based backend setup which it comes with. Trying to setup something that's coded in ruby to get it working on a site, is quite hard to say the least. Compaired to sql and tables, I have to work with rubygems first and make sure the needed gems are installed. Then SSH and make sure that the install sheets are there are avaliable, if not then I need to find out why (BIG BIG PAIN). Then I have to make sure it all works on rails. Then I still have the SQL and Tables to get done. Sure Ruby allows for a much wider range of interactions, but it's still a right pain to do.

    Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 13:47:41 UTC from web
    1. @mrdragon Even thinking about all that gives me a headache. Also, fancy being a site admin? I need at least two people with good knowledge of this stuff and you seem a nice brony.

      Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 13:58:23 UTC from web
      1. @ixfocus I don't have time to do moderation :P I can handle your backend dealings and setups, but apart from that I have quite a few other site releated comitments.

        Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 14:00:00 UTC from web
        1. @mrdragon Fair enough. Any idea how to advertise the site to bronies? I guess I could chat to the people who run Equestria Daily and this site and set up some form of site link.

          Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 14:02:29 UTC from web
          1. @ixfocus Talk to Seth on EqD, he promotes a few Brony sites around the place.

            Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 14:03:20 UTC from web
            1. @mrdragon Alright, I'll get on it. Thanks.

              Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 14:04:43 UTC from web
          2. @ixfocus well, I get pretty annoyed with Celestia Radio's only commercial being flankbook. *hint hint*

            Tuesday, 26-Jul-11 14:06:23 UTC from MuSTArDroid