

  1. I've heard people say that Steven Moffat is doing a bad job of doing the whole seasonal story arch thing. I disagree. In Season 5 we had the impossible cracks, season 6 had the Impossible Astronaut, and season 7 had the Impossible Girl. I think Moffat likes impossible things.

    Monday, 10-Jun-13 14:42:43 UTC from web
    1. @zeldatra The impossible writers

      Monday, 10-Jun-13 14:43:22 UTC from web
    2. @zeldatra *brohoof* yes!

      Monday, 10-Jun-13 14:43:48 UTC from web
    3. @zeldatra I've heard people say various unpleasant things about Russel T Davies too.

      Monday, 10-Jun-13 14:44:35 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark Yeah, but I'm specifically addressing the seasonal story arches of the last 3 seasons.

        Monday, 10-Jun-13 14:47:03 UTC from web