

  1. Can any of you tell me what the heck the rainbow factory is?!?! I have no clue really....

    Monday, 10-Jun-13 20:08:18 UTC from web
    1. @midnightdancer It's a grim dark fanfiction, rainbow dash grinds up other ponies to make rainbowds

      Monday, 10-Jun-13 20:08:44 UTC from web
      1. @mrdragon mmmm rainbow

        Monday, 10-Jun-13 20:09:17 UTC from web
        1. @madflavors Oh look, it's you!

          Monday, 10-Jun-13 20:09:38 UTC from web
          1. @mrdragon itsa me background guy!

            Monday, 10-Jun-13 20:10:12 UTC from web
            1. @madflavors You better be sleeping still

              Monday, 10-Jun-13 20:10:34 UTC from web
              1. @mrdragon always. Haven't had problems with that in over a year

                Monday, 10-Jun-13 20:11:34 UTC from web
                1. @madflavors Good. Means I don't gotta kick your arse.

                  Monday, 10-Jun-13 20:12:00 UTC from web
                  1. @mrdragon awww....

                    Monday, 10-Jun-13 20:12:47 UTC from web
      2. @mrdragon O.o oh. Wow..... I do like the song though....

        Monday, 10-Jun-13 20:09:37 UTC from web
    2. @midnightdancer Start with the song:

      Monday, 10-Jun-13 20:09:18 UTC from web
      1. @lilytheamazingfaintingpony Ya I have seen that. I like the song but did not really know what it was about..

        Monday, 10-Jun-13 20:10:06 UTC from web
        1. @midnightdancer Then:

          Monday, 10-Jun-13 20:10:16 UTC from web
          1. @lilytheamazingfaintingpony What are you having my watch....???

            Monday, 10-Jun-13 20:12:53 UTC from web
            1. @midnightdancer True art, midnightdancer. True art!

              Monday, 10-Jun-13 20:14:15 UTC from web
              1. @lilytheamazingfaintingpony lol

                Monday, 10-Jun-13 20:14:45 UTC from web
              2. @lilytheamazingfaintingpony nothing beats the biker gorilla

                Monday, 10-Jun-13 20:15:07 UTC from web
                1. @madflavors You will be turned into rainbows / everyone will be so happy.

                  Monday, 10-Jun-13 20:16:49 UTC from web
                  1. @lilytheamazingfaintingpony If you assume it your lifegoal/ to convert into a rainbow / you won't dare be disappointed / once we stuff you into this hole!

                    Monday, 10-Jun-13 20:18:09 UTC from web
              3. @lilytheamazingfaintingpony @mastertdi Oh haha That was meant for <<

                Monday, 10-Jun-13 20:31:50 UTC from web
              4. @lilytheamazingfaintingpony That was..... Well now I know what that is....

                Monday, 10-Jun-13 20:40:46 UTC from web
    3. @oracle lol

      Monday, 10-Jun-13 20:09:44 UTC from web
    4. @midnightdancer A song.

      Monday, 10-Jun-13 20:12:19 UTC from web