

  1. Today I learned that there is a thing called the Hooker telescope. 9_6

    Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:23:43 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    1. @scribus oh god

      Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:24:25 UTC from web
      1. @mushi you called :D

        Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:25:15 UTC from web
        1. @ninnelives no, go away >:(

          Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:25:47 UTC from web
          1. @mushi ohhhh :( "god of cookies away"

            Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:27:19 UTC from web
            1. @ninnelives one time I was writing a book and I was writing it just before bed and when I did fall asleep all that I dreamt about was that book :/

              Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:28:31 UTC from web
              1. @sunwing it make sence when I was younger I would expose my self to certain show books music, to try and generate speicfic type of dreams

                Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:29:50 UTC from web
                1. @ninnelives yea I am writing one right now and when I dream it actually gets kinda disturbing

                  Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:30:31 UTC from web
                  1. @sunwing dont try to analyze i think i think or interupted what hp love craft once said, them ore you belief in the dream as real, the more you will com back and explore that dream scape or that world in more detail every time you dream until the world becomes real.

                    Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:32:18 UTC from web
                    1. @ninnelives that's why I like writing books as a hobby. Because when you do dream then you dream about this world that you made up in your own head and not just dream about random stuff.

                      Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:33:32 UTC from web
      2. @mushi Bender said he'd start his own theme park...

        Wednesday, 12-Jun-13 01:27:39 UTC from MuSTArDroid