

  1. Nope. I tried.

    Monday, 17-Jun-13 05:20:49 UTC from web
    1. @redenchilada mysql -u root -p --execute="UPDATE `messages` SET `enabled`=1"

      Monday, 17-Jun-13 05:23:26 UTC from web
      1. @minti would you believe the reason I even did that was because I forgot sql uses backquotes

        Monday, 17-Jun-13 05:25:54 UTC from web
        1. @redenchilada Backquotes for references, double quotes for literal strings. :p

          Monday, 17-Jun-13 05:26:43 UTC from web
          1. @minti I am going to explode

            Monday, 17-Jun-13 05:27:41 UTC from web
            1. @redenchilada Warn me first, I want to back away so I don't get sanic bits in my hair.

              Monday, 17-Jun-13 05:28:21 UTC from web
        2. @redenchilada Also good job.

          Monday, 17-Jun-13 05:26:53 UTC from web