

  1. And now I'm back! Hot shower with Abracadavre, rusty cage and Where are we going playing, good stuff.

    Friday, 21-Jun-13 14:40:47 UTC from web
    1. @bowandlyre Abracadavre? Is that how you kids call hookers nowadays? And you had mr. Cage there too?

      Friday, 21-Jun-13 14:41:37 UTC from web
      1. @nerthos oh God...

        Friday, 21-Jun-13 14:42:07 UTC from Mayonnaise
      2. @nerthos lollol

        Friday, 21-Jun-13 14:42:45 UTC from web
      3. @nerthos Shut up and listen. I think you'll like. XD

        Friday, 21-Jun-13 14:43:20 UTC from web
        1. @bowandlyre It's good.

          Friday, 21-Jun-13 14:49:51 UTC from web
          1. @nerthos It's like my 3rd favorite Elena song, first being 115 and second being Paredolia. I am addicted to this lady's voice.

            Friday, 21-Jun-13 14:51:07 UTC from web
            1. @bowandlyre I'll listen to the rest after a nap.

              Friday, 21-Jun-13 14:51:56 UTC from web
              1. @nerthos Enjoy that nap.

                Friday, 21-Jun-13 14:52:32 UTC from web
              2. @nerthos awesome man. you go rock that nap like a boss!!!

                Friday, 21-Jun-13 14:53:02 UTC from Mayonnaise