Caffeine, music, and video game junkie.
That weird, nerdy, metal head.
Trav (humbletraveller)
@oracle That's good
@oracle Not bad, not bad. You?
Wow its been a long time since I've been on this site.
Hello everyone
Tuesday, 19-Jun-18 04:12:02 UTC from web -
@magicrasin eeyup
Sunday, 06-Apr-14 00:14:35 UTC from web
music livestream ahoy
Sunday, 06-Apr-14 00:14:33 UTC from web -
Sunday, 06-Apr-14 00:14:15 UTC from web -
Sunday, 06-Apr-14 00:14:13 UTC from web -
Sunday, 06-Apr-14 00:14:11 UTC from web -
30 seconds to join!
Sunday, 06-Apr-14 00:14:02 UTC from web -
@colfax dawww
@magicrasin uhg, that sucks
@colfax woah~
@magicrasin The home alone part sounds nice x3
if you wanna listen, heres the link http://www.mixify.com/ditzydoo/event/mix-4-5-14
Sunday, 06-Apr-14 00:10:55 UTC from web -
hey yall, my friend is gonna do some DJing/music streaming stuff
Sunday, 06-Apr-14 00:10:34 UTC from web -
@colfax Greetings :P
@magicrasin Not much, you?
Hello everypony
Good bye everypony ^3^ be back sometime, maybe next weekend
@coffeecream bai
As long as i got to bring all my stuff with me ;3
Monday, 19-Aug-13 13:04:28 UTC from web -
"Would I take a one-way trip to Equestria?" Hell yes!
Monday, 19-Aug-13 13:04:02 UTC from web -
@pony bai
@scribus xD
@coffeecream doin great.
@coffeecream hello! :3 Awesome.
Good morning everypony! Howre yall? :D
@justsomeloser xD thats ok