

  1. Back from a bath. Ended up thinking about this while I was thinking up things to keep me awake: what if you had discovered you were a changeling after living an otherwise normal life?

    Friday, 28-Jun-13 15:01:53 UTC from web
    1. @coffeecream pretty sure that was an episode of Doctor Who

      Friday, 28-Jun-13 15:07:30 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @ceruleanspark Which is a show that I keep hearing about

        Friday, 28-Jun-13 15:09:41 UTC from web
        1. @coffeecream Never watched it some people say its really good! debating if I want to watch that... and fearing if I do and I really like it, it would become my new favorite show! That position now is MLP!

          Friday, 28-Jun-13 15:10:54 UTC from web
      2. @ceruleanspark Before or after it was a film starring Arnold Schwarzenegger?

        Friday, 28-Jun-13 15:16:41 UTC from web
    2. @dewnor When does morning end?

      Friday, 28-Jun-13 15:12:01 UTC from web
      1. @will1982 12 oclockpm Noon

        Friday, 28-Jun-13 15:13:00 UTC from web
    3. @dewnor ya 9 o clock AM here im in Utah of the USA!

      Friday, 28-Jun-13 15:12:37 UTC from web
    4. @dewnor I am pretty sure everything between six-hundred and twelve-hundred is morning, everything between twelve-hundred and eighteen-hundred is afternoon, everything between eighteen-hundred and twenty-four-hundred is evening, and twenty-four-hundred till six-hundred is night.

      Friday, 28-Jun-13 15:13:50 UTC from web
    5. @dewnor Wow im in Murray! Well right now anyway my main home is in west valley by the winder dairy there! But for me morning ends at noon

      Friday, 28-Jun-13 15:13:58 UTC from web
    6. @dewnor Can you bike that distance ? If yes, I think you should one day ^^

      Friday, 28-Jun-13 15:14:39 UTC from web
    7. @dewnor ya maybe hang out too lol go see a movie or something

      Friday, 28-Jun-13 15:15:22 UTC from web
    8. @dewnor dang dude that sucks my school starts at 750 am

      Friday, 28-Jun-13 15:15:59 UTC from web
    9. @dewnor for sure I would totally see that lets do it!

      Friday, 28-Jun-13 15:16:35 UTC from web
    10. @dewnor ya im back brighton I heard was a really awesome school! when I get back we need to talk more before we go see EG!

      Friday, 28-Jun-13 15:20:31 UTC from web
    11. @dewnor ya as you know sucks at sports that's not Baseball basketball or soccer... but next year I might go to Granger since I live in west valley now maybe idk I hope not

      Friday, 28-Jun-13 15:22:15 UTC from web
    12. @dewnor wow that's odd only one well it would have to be in a week when we do it! Today my dad and I are going to Whitney Reservoir for 5 days then to another lake for 2

      Friday, 28-Jun-13 15:23:30 UTC from web
    13. @dewnor lol nope not even close! Its 3 miles where the crow flies from Whitney! Whitneys's like near mirror lake highway.

      Friday, 28-Jun-13 15:25:16 UTC from web
    14. @dewnor Because Utah is awesome like that!

      Friday, 28-Jun-13 15:27:08 UTC from web
    15. @dewnor or if u want the historical and scientific answer... Utah used to be covered in water over a million years ago!

      Friday, 28-Jun-13 15:28:41 UTC from web
    16. @dewnor nope only the SL Valley that's how it was formed

      Friday, 28-Jun-13 15:30:44 UTC from web
      1. @fluttershy711 well I gotta go! Dewnor look me up on FB! My name on there has eagle in the middle of it! Check my name on here! Talk to you guys in a week!

        Friday, 28-Jun-13 15:32:46 UTC from web