

  1. wait "tomorrow at 10 am the My little pony movie"? i bet they are treating the crystal empirre episodes as a movie

    Saturday, 20-Jul-13 17:44:29 UTC from web
    1. @mushi well i think its equestria girls

      Saturday, 20-Jul-13 17:46:17 UTC from web
      1. @therainbowdashx this is brazil, we wont get that so soon, also, they are gonna start s3 with too many pinkie pies next week

        Saturday, 20-Jul-13 17:47:02 UTC from web
        1. @mushi oh

          Saturday, 20-Jul-13 17:47:58 UTC from web
          1. @therainbowdashx anyway, if EqG could never be here i'd like a lot

            Saturday, 20-Jul-13 17:51:25 UTC from web
            1. @mushi oh but its SOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOODDDD!!!

              Saturday, 20-Jul-13 17:52:22 UTC from web
              1. @therainbowdashx just like a deepthroating a cinamon coated pinecone

                Saturday, 20-Jul-13 17:54:21 UTC from web
                1. @mushi yikes

                  Saturday, 20-Jul-13 17:58:16 UTC from web
                2. @mushi and no more like watching your first episode of mlp

                  Saturday, 20-Jul-13 17:59:25 UTC from web
                  1. @therainbowdashx well, i did watch EqG, but i desliked a lot, different from watching actual MLP

                    Saturday, 20-Jul-13 18:00:05 UTC from web
                    1. @mushi its different yeah, and i would mucj rather they continue the origanal series wich i think they will but it was a little bit of a change... and OH MY GOD MY FACE, ITS SOOOO ITCHY... im definetly alergic to dog hair

                      Saturday, 20-Jul-13 18:04:11 UTC from web
                      1. @therainbowdashx yeah, a change i dont have to like. well, at least i waited untill i watched the movie before having an oppinion on that

                        Saturday, 20-Jul-13 18:06:46 UTC from web
                      2. @therainbowdashx at least it dont give me hives, stupid livet

                        Saturday, 20-Jul-13 18:07:01 UTC from web
                        1. @therainbowdashx liver*

                          Saturday, 20-Jul-13 18:08:02 UTC from web
                3. @mushi #

                  Saturday, 20-Jul-13 18:06:43 UTC from web
                  1. @redenchilada best comparison i could think of

                    Saturday, 20-Jul-13 18:08:43 UTC from web