

  1. @queenstarlightbolt You there, queen figure! I here 8y challenge you for your position!

    Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:02:00 UTC from web
    1. @arachnidsgrip hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm? O.o

      Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:02:42 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @queenstarlightbolt don't talk to her. She's one of my teammates. Kinda.

        Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:04:30 UTC from StatusNet Android
        1. @kingcarcinopony I am curious now :O

          Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:08:45 UTC from StatusNet Desktop

            Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:13:26 UTC from StatusNet Android
            1. @kingcarcinopony There's no need to tell the former queen lies like that. I'm just doing what is 8est for the hoofed lady 8easts!

              Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:20:39 UTC from web

                Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:21:44 UTC from StatusNet Android
                1. @kingcarcinopony GEEEEEEEEZ you sure are giving me such a hard time <3

                  Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:25:27 UTC from web

                    Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:27:02 UTC from StatusNet Android
                    1. @kingcarcinopony ........ Why would I want to make out with John? I'm just helping him prove himself to 8e 8etter than Dave. As for the falling down stairs, I think Tavros has that task covered pretty well for now! Ha Ha what a loser that guy is!

                      Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:32:52 UTC from web
                      1. @arachnidsgrip WHAT IS WITH YOU TWO.

                        Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:33:44 UTC from StatusNet Android
                        1. @kingcarcinopony I try to help the guy out! 8ut he is too much of a wimp! If he reached the GOD TIER he'd never have to worry a8out death. He's too much of a coward to 8e heroic and to dopey to 8e a villain!

                          Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:38:41 UTC from web

                            Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:40:37 UTC from StatusNet Android
                            1. @kingcarcinopony I still not sure whats going on ^-^;

                              Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:44:34 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                              1. @queenstarlightbolt she's trouble, that's all you need to know, most of us are.

                                Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:45:25 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                1. @kingcarcinopony what do you mean "most of us"?

                                  Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:49:09 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                  1. @queenstarlightbolt See @kingcarcinopony she's totally interested. Should I explain?

                                    Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:50:50 UTC from web
                                    1. @arachnidsgrip NO, YOU SHOULD GO BUG KANYA OR SOMETHING.

                                      Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:52:30 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                      1. @kingcarcinopony Kanaya is far too 8usy o8sessing over that Rose Human. Honestly I don't get what she sees in her.

                                        Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:55:28 UTC from web
                                        1. @arachnidsgrip I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't read Homestuck.

                                          Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:57:31 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                          1. @redenchilada Is that what this is from?

                                            Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:01:14 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                            1. @queenstarlightbolt I believe so.

                                              Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:02:18 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                              1. @redenchilada I'll have to get check it out... after arachnid's explaination there XD

                                                Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:16:05 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                          2. @redenchilada It appears I have attracted the attention of some of the locals. I suppose it's only natural, since I am their new queen after all. 8ut I have not read this Homestruck thing either.

                                            Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:02:19 UTC from web
                                            1. @arachnidsgrip Ooh, a queen? What are you the queen of?

                                              Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:02:58 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                              1. @redenchilada I am the new queen of here of course! starlight8olt has 8een kind enough to step down from her position for the gr8er good of the hoofed lady 8east population.

                                                Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:21:58 UTC from web
                                                1. @arachnidsgrip HEY! i don't remember stepping down at any point since you showed up >.>

                                                  Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:25:54 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                                2. @arachnidsgrip But we don't have any queens. I think you're getting us confused with the beehive.

                                                  Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:27:16 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                                  1. @redenchilada are you not acknowledging my excellent Queen StarlightBolt?

                                                    Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:28:16 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                  2. @redenchilada I feel sad that my years of grave service to this community has gone unnoticed :(

                                                    Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:31:27 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                                    1. @queenstarlightbolt I noticed you.<3

                                                      Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:33:39 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                      1. @kingcarcinopony What's this!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Do I sense a red quadrant thing going on here? I thought you h8ed everyone?

                                                        Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:37:31 UTC from web
                                                        1. @arachnidsgrip THIS IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.

                                                          Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:38:10 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                    2. @queenstarlightbolt You're who now?

                                                      Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:34:16 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                                  3. @redenchilada There is clearly a king/queen of this place. As seen 8y starlight8olt and posing done 8y kingcarcinopony. 8ut you are right, their o8vious lack of a8ility to lead calls for a change in leadership! I suppose this gr8 responsi8ly must yet again fall on me. WELL I ACCEPT!

                                                    Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:35:17 UTC from web
                                                    1. @arachnidsgrip Anyone can add a title to the front of their username. That doesn't mean they have the title. It doesn't mean the title exists! Also, you seem much too arrogant to run anything.

                                                      Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:36:45 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                                      1. @redenchilada >implying I don't rule this place with an iron fist

                                                        Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:39:02 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                        1. @kingcarcinopony >implying you do

                                                          Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:39:52 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                                          1. @redenchilada >implying I don't

                                                            Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:40:46 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                            1. @kingcarcinopony I wouldn't lie about this kind of thing.

                                                              Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:43:00 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                                              1. @redenchilada then why lie now?

                                                                Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:43:50 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                                1. @kingcarcinopony Who said I'm lying?

                                                                  Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:44:21 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                                                  1. @redenchilada I can smell it on your breath like cheap booze.

                                                                    Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:47:39 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                                    1. @kingcarcinopony Your non-sequitur comparison of my statements to smells confuses me.

                                                                      Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:48:38 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                                                      1. @redenchilada think about it.

                                                                        Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:49:32 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                                        1. @kingcarcinopony I seriously don't get it. The only thing I figure is that you're implying I drink. I've never had that stuff in my life.

                                                                          Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:50:43 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                                                          1. @redenchilada nerd.

                                                                            Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:51:17 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                                            1. @kingcarcinopony Thank you, sir; may I have another?

                                                                              Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:52:10 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                                                              1. @redenchilada why would you not drink? That's so boring

                                                                                Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:53:15 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                                                1. @kingcarcinopony Because it tastes disgusting and it destroys your liver and cognitive thinking skills. NOW GOOD NIGHT.

                                                                                  Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:53:50 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                                                                  1. @redenchilada pfft. Nerd.

                                                                                    Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:54:52 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                                                  2. @redenchilada AMEN

                                                                                    Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:55:36 UTC from web
                                                      2. @redenchilada Arrogance comes with the territory of 8eing the gr8est there ever was, well except for my ancestor she's around my level. I mean if I wasn't arrogant how else would others know to watch out for how much of a 8adass I am?

                                                        Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:40:32 UTC from web
                                                        1. @arachnidsgrip Self-inflation is the fastest way to a burst ego.

                                                          Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:42:33 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                                          1. @redenchilada That sounds very gross! Do hoofed lady 8easts often have their egos 8urst?

                                                            Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:46:05 UTC from web
                                                            1. @arachnidsgrip Not usually.

                                                              Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:46:56 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                                              1. @redenchilada Well then it won't happen to me :)

                                                                Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:50:26 UTC from web
                                                                1. @arachnidsgrip No, I'm pretty sure it will.

                                                                  Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:51:31 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                                    2. @arachnidsgrip THERE IS NO POSING.

                                                      Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:37:16 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                      1. @kingcarcinopony I am hearing to different things here. You calm to 8e the one true king, yet your su8jects claim there is no king or queen of this land. Hmmmmmmmm this is indeed a mystery. 8efore Terezi somehow smells that I have mentioned a mystery, I will go ahead and conclude that there is a ruler here, and that ruler is I Vriska Serket!

                                                        Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:44:20 UTC from web
                                                        1. @arachnidsgrip >implying you have any ability to rule whatsoever

                                                          Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:45:01 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                                          1. @redenchilada Well that is true... most of the ruling has been done by me.

                                                            Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:49:36 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                                        2. @arachnidsgrip HE'S BEING A SMART kiwi. YOU ONLY RULE THE HUGE kiwi CONTEST. ERR, HUGE 8ITCH.

                                                          Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:46:43 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                          1. @kingcarcinopony See I knew you cared <3

                                                            Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:47:34 UTC from web
                                                            1. @arachnidsgrip BLUH.

                                                              Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:48:34 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                          3. @redenchilada You aren't. I've got a brother who won't shut the hell up about Homestuck. Problem Sleuth is good, though.

                                            Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:39:26 UTC from web
                                            1. @poni I've got ten people in a chatroom who won't shut up about it. At least I've got the ignore button.

                                              Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:41:13 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                    2. @arachnidsgrip Yes I'm still confused by this odd but incredibly humorous conversation... perhaps you should explain.

                                      Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:56:57 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                      1. @queenstarlightbolt Well (former)kingcarcinopony and I are part of a superior race from a planet called Alternia. Unlike you hoofed lady 8easts our race is ruled 8y the most powerful, cunning, and attractive mem8er of their soci8y. Which of course it comes to no surprise that it is none other than myself! This is pro8a8ly why carcinopony is always trying to flirt with me, and gets jealous and nervous when other try to talk to me.

                                        Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:08:32 UTC from web
                                        1. @arachnidsgrip WHAT ARE YOU SAYING TO HER. YOU'RE NOT EVEN ON THE RULING CLASS OF THE HEMOSPECTRUM.

                                          Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:09:45 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                          1. @kingcarcinopony Well someone had to explain to her our "situation." 8esides you're always hiding the color of your 8lood. You're pro8a8ly no higher than that loser Tavros!

                                            Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:12:49 UTC from web
                                            1. @arachnidsgrip I JUST DON'T NEED MY BLOOD TO DEFINE ME. SHUT UP.

                                              Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:15:25 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                              1. @kingcarcinopony That's exactly what a rust 8lood would say. Oh whats that? Am I getting close? Did I guess it? Hahahahahahahaha

                                                Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:18:57 UTC from web
                                                1. @arachnidsgrip NO. NO ONE KNOWS. NO ONE EVER WILL.

                                                  Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:20:02 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                  1. @kingcarcinopony I'm sure Terezi knows! She does have that stupid way of "seeing" colors, even though she is 8lind. I 8et she'll tell me if I ask her nicely. :::;)

                                                    Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:24:44 UTC from web
                                                    1. @arachnidsgrip I'M PRETTY SURE SHE HATES YOU AS MUCH AS I DO.

                                                      Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:25:59 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                                      1. @kingcarcinopony You really think so? <3

                                                        Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:28:00 UTC from web
                                                        1. @arachnidsgrip STOP DOING THAT.

                                                          Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:28:57 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                        2. @arachnidsgrip hahaha this is all starting to make more sense to me, as well as become more interesting :O

                                          Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:14:12 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                                          1. @queenstarlightbolt she's lying.

                                            Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:16:03 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                  2. @queenstarlightbolt well, most of the Trolls I'm with. Except like, maybe Gamzee, aside from his weird clown religion.

                                    Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:51:30 UTC from StatusNet Android
                            2. @kingcarcinopony Pssssssssh! I'm not mean to everyone. And don't try to pretend I'm not exactly what you're looking for in a lady :::;)

                              Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:48:31 UTC from web
                              1. @arachnidsgrip THERE IS NOTHING BETWEEN US. AND THERE NEVER WILL BE.

                                Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:50:22 UTC from StatusNet Android
                                1. @kingcarcinopony Hahahahahahahaha, like I'd ever want to 8e in any quadrant with you. I was simply pointing out how painfully o8vious it is that you want me.

                                  Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:53:24 UTC from web
                                  1. @arachnidsgrip NO.

                                    Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:54:55 UTC from StatusNet Android
            2. @kingcarcinopony She seems pretty interesting to me... perhaps I will make her a royal advisor or royal hoof cleaner ;P

              Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:28:00 UTC from StatusNet Desktop

                Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:29:02 UTC from StatusNet Android
                1. @kingcarcinopony How come no one invites me to play games with them? >.>

                  Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:33:33 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                  1. @queenstarlightbolt I didn't know you at the time.

                    Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:35:01 UTC from StatusNet Android
          2. @queenstarlightbolt It's only natural for you to 8e curious, knowing I now oppose you! Don't listen to ----carcinopony, or whatever he's calling himself now, he's just lame and insecure :::;)

            Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:14:47 UTC from web
            1. @arachnidsgrip I'LL SHOW YOU INSECURE.

              Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:15:21 UTC from StatusNet Android
            2. @arachnidsgrip I'm definately interested with where you're going with this... do go on

              Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:18:53 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      2. @queenstarlightbolt I must say all of these hoofed lady 8easts aren't exactly my style of royal su8jects. 8ut none the less, under my rule this shall 8e the most powerful lady hoof 8east kingdom in existence!

        Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:08:05 UTC from web
        1. @arachnidsgrip What is it that you had it mind? >:)

          Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:12:32 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    2. @arachnidsgrip stop that.

      Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 07:03:28 UTC from StatusNet Android
    3. @derpy I am really starting to grow concerned at the amount of subjects who are going against my rule

      Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:53:36 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    4. @derpy hey derpy

      Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:55:44 UTC from web
    5. @derpy derp. and you

      Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:57:01 UTC from web
    6. @derpy DERP

      Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:58:29 UTC from web
    7. @derpy I'm not sure what that was supposed to prove... :\

      Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 08:58:36 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    8. @derpy but how are you for real

      Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 09:01:18 UTC from web
    9. @derpy happily drawing ponies, did you see it?

      Tuesday, 02-Aug-11 09:04:18 UTC from web