

  1. !ohiobronies Are there any Bronies here who go to CWRU? I'm looking for a way to the meetup from campus, and if anyone's driving I'd be willing to pitch in for gas. Otherwise, some help figuring out how to get to Edgewood via the RTA would be nice.

    Thursday, 04-Aug-11 19:42:30 UTC from web
    1. @eaglehooves Here ya go! -,+Cleveland,+OH&daddr=41.485949,-81.747723&hl=en&sll=41.488392,-81.696396&sspn=0.084612,0.181103&geocode=FYpWeQIdmcki-yGRC7B74GmQcQ%3B&mra=dme&mrsp=1&sz=13&dirflg=r&ttype=arr&date=08%2F05%2F11&time=2:00pm&noexp=0&noal=0&sort=def&z=13&start=0

      Thursday, 04-Aug-11 21:08:51 UTC from web
      1. @darklycute Thanks a LOT. I tried google maps earlier, I guess I did something wrong because I couldn't get bus routes. It's going to be a challenge, but I think I can make the bus schedules work to stop by sometime. I'll be able to say something more certain once we set a time.

        Thursday, 04-Aug-11 21:44:38 UTC from web
        1. @eaglehooves I think we are planning to start the meet around 2-3pm

          Thursday, 04-Aug-11 22:00:19 UTC from web
          1. @darklycute I thought we were talking about earlier?

            Thursday, 04-Aug-11 22:06:00 UTC from web
            1. @starshine I dont think we ever did decide on a time...also. Us Springfield people need a few hours to get up to Cleveland. Cause @rpb3000 works till midnight on fridays...

              Thursday, 04-Aug-11 22:08:57 UTC from web
              1. @darklycute >implying I need sleep

                Friday, 05-Aug-11 05:08:54 UTC from web
                1. @rpb3000 Well, you could just be the one who sleeps through half the meetup this time. It's a tough job, but somepony's gotta do it.

                  Friday, 05-Aug-11 05:09:54 UTC from web
        2. @eaglehooves Wow, that takes a long time. I'm sure we'll be able to get some pony transit figured out if you haven't already found a ride by then. Just give a holler.

          Thursday, 04-Aug-11 22:03:05 UTC from web