

  1. there's a new pony?

    Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:28:36 UTC from web
    1. @ngvirus Depends on your definition of "new" otherwise "yes"

      Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:29:26 UTC from web
      1. @critialcloudkicker did you go to bronycon

        Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:29:52 UTC from web
        1. @lunaisbestprincess I wish I was able to

          Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:30:28 UTC from web
          1. @critialcloudkicker oh ok

            Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:30:54 UTC from web
            1. @lunaisbestprincess Why ?

              Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:31:18 UTC from web
              1. @critialcloudkicker just wondering

                Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:32:16 UTC from web
                1. @lunaisbestprincess Aww, I want to see your face IRL too :)

                  Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:32:59 UTC from web
                  1. @critialcloudkicker what

                    Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:33:47 UTC from web
                    1. @lunaisbestprincess Ohkay, either you do not, or I made this conversation REALLY awkward

                      Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:34:51 UTC from web
            2. @lunaisbestprincess yeah!

              Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:31:30 UTC from web
              1. @ngvirus do you remember that guy raping about water

                Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:32:00 UTC from web
                1. @lunaisbestprincess uh... no not really

                  Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:32:40 UTC from web
                  1. @ngvirus oh

                    Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:32:53 UTC from web
                    1. @lunaisbestprincess what's with it then?

                      Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:33:17 UTC from web
                      1. @ngvirus with what

                        Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:33:54 UTC from web
                        1. @lunaisbestprincess a guy raping water

                          Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:34:59 UTC from web
                          1. @ngvirus a shirtless guy raping about bottled water he is selling

                            Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:35:41 UTC from web
                            1. @lunaisbestprincess oh... rapping! damn that was weird..... no, i don't like rap music.... i'm into rock and metal

                              Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:36:31 UTC from web
                              1. @ngvirus ok

                                Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:36:49 UTC from web
                                1. @lunaisbestprincess yeah :D

                                  Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:37:08 UTC from web
                                  1. @ngvirus well i like rock but im more of a 1960s 1970s 2010s music person

                                    Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:38:12 UTC from web
                                    1. @lunaisbestprincess 1960, 1970? um..... the Stooges - I Wanna Be Your Dog

                                      Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:39:07 UTC from web
                                      1. @ngvirus ok

                                        Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:39:23 UTC from web
                                    2. @lunaisbestprincess i love 80's and 90's

                                      Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:39:36 UTC from web
                                      1. @ngvirus good choice

                                        Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:39:57 UTC from web
                                        1. @lunaisbestprincess thanks bro

                                          Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:41:06 UTC from web
                                          1. @ngvirus no prob bob

                                            Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:41:26 UTC from web
                                            1. @lunaisbestprincess my name's not Bob :3

                                              Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:41:53 UTC from web
                                              1. @ngvirus i now that

                                                Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:42:09 UTC from web
                                                1. @lunaisbestprincess oh.... hm... well...

                                                  Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:42:48 UTC from web
                          2. @ngvirus no

                            Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:36:36 UTC from web
                            1. @komaeda huh?

                              Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:37:20 UTC from web
                2. @lunaisbestprincess I was about to yell at you but then I saw it was just a typo phew

                  Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:33:17 UTC from web
                  1. @komaeda ok

                    Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:34:05 UTC from web
      2. @critialcloudkicker i'm kinda new....

        Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:30:00 UTC from web
        1. @ngvirus Still have a factory new brony polish ?

          Sunday, 11-Aug-13 13:30:45 UTC from web