

  1. People who complain about whats on the site I find ridiculous. Mostly because its not your site and you do not pay for anything. If you ever find me complaining about anything on here I'm most likely being sarcastic and I don't actually care.

    Monday, 12-Aug-13 09:21:21 UTC from web
    1. @egg Yea

      Monday, 12-Aug-13 09:21:59 UTC from web
    2. @egg Maybe I've misjudged you.

      Monday, 12-Aug-13 09:35:37 UTC from web
      1. @ceruleanspark Kinda makes me uneasy that I was being judged.

        Monday, 12-Aug-13 09:38:49 UTC from web
        1. @egg All human interaction requires a degree of judgement of the participants

          Monday, 12-Aug-13 09:40:02 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          1. @ceruleanspark That is true. But you mentioned that you missed judged me which means you made a judgement and since I made a positive statement that means you thought of me in a negative way before. .-.

            Monday, 12-Aug-13 09:42:32 UTC from web
            1. @egg not so much negative as completely neutral. I didn't really think of you at all.

              Monday, 12-Aug-13 09:49:19 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
              1. @ceruleanspark Okay

                Monday, 12-Aug-13 09:50:49 UTC from web
    3. @snowcone What if the person does nothing to prove that they are a good person or a bad person.

      Monday, 12-Aug-13 09:47:20 UTC from web
    4. @snowcone I see

      Monday, 12-Aug-13 09:57:08 UTC from web