

  1. @rarity why do you feel crappy?

    Monday, 12-Aug-13 17:28:56 UTC from web
    1. @egg I just felt my sense of self worth get sucked out of me all of a sudden

      Monday, 12-Aug-13 17:31:34 UTC from web
      1. @rarity I'll stop my ludicrous attemt to turn your frown upside down and ask "is there anything we can do" instead

        Monday, 12-Aug-13 17:33:07 UTC from web
      2. @rarity I've been in a position like that. I'm really bad with helping with anything but whatever your head is telling you its probably wrong. Self loathing usually happens when you compare yourself to things. If you feel like no one cares thats not true either. You are worth something believe me.

        Monday, 12-Aug-13 17:39:02 UTC from web
        1. @egg Everyone is special in their own way.

          Monday, 12-Aug-13 17:39:54 UTC from web
        2. @egg thank you

          Monday, 12-Aug-13 17:40:48 UTC from web
          1. @rarity Anything for a friend

            Monday, 12-Aug-13 17:42:09 UTC from web
            1. @egg :^)

              Monday, 12-Aug-13 17:43:23 UTC from web
              1. @rarity (^:

                Monday, 12-Aug-13 17:43:52 UTC from web