

  1. @scoot HELLO MY FRIEND

    Tuesday, 13-Aug-13 22:48:44 UTC from web
    1. @dragoness HELLO

      Tuesday, 13-Aug-13 22:49:02 UTC from web
      1. @scoot how are you tired or happy maybe sad?

        Tuesday, 13-Aug-13 22:50:21 UTC from web
        1. @dragoness Probably a small amount of each, how are you?

          Tuesday, 13-Aug-13 22:51:11 UTC from web
          1. @scoot good myself waiting for school to start! but i am so bored with a person next to me ho is not going to stop talking unless i kill her bye.

            Tuesday, 13-Aug-13 22:53:27 UTC from web
            1. @dragoness Oh ok :I cya then

              Tuesday, 13-Aug-13 22:53:43 UTC from web