

  1. Tweet/Discussion: Who should return in Season 4?: We haven't had this type of discussion in a while, and Meghan tweeted this yesterday, so why not revive it for this little subslot while I catch up on emails? Who would you like to see in season 4? Which friends, and of course, villains need to make a big comeback? >

    Friday, 16-Aug-13 22:00:06 UTC from Sethisto
    1. @eqdpony as long as they dont turn chrysalis in a good girl, i'm fine. I believe Sombra will be back

      Friday, 16-Aug-13 22:01:53 UTC from web

        Friday, 16-Aug-13 22:05:00 UTC from web
        1. @ceruleanspark Changelings becoming good and believing in friendship? I doubt even Celestia would be ok with that idea.

          Friday, 16-Aug-13 22:09:01 UTC from web
          1. @tekkdan "You can harvest more human emotions with honey than vinegar" after all

            Friday, 16-Aug-13 22:10:07 UTC from web
            1. @ceruleanspark Well since they feed off of love, would that mean they would drain the ponies that they feed off of or would they just gain energy and strength from them without taking it away?

              Friday, 16-Aug-13 22:19:18 UTC from web
        2. @ceruleanspark @mushi On one hand, I don't want to see the show make Chrysalis good. On the other, I have read some excellent fanfictions that go along the lines of "Chrysalis, if I give you my love you won't have to steal it from others" etc

          Friday, 16-Aug-13 22:13:19 UTC from web
          1. @rarity It really depends on how they'd go about doing it and what happens, they could pull it off if they do it correctly.

            Friday, 16-Aug-13 22:24:16 UTC from web
    2. @eqdpony Babs seed would be cool

      Friday, 16-Aug-13 22:05:26 UTC from web