

  1. No one's younger than 13 here are they?

    Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:07:40 UTC from web
    1. @fuzzypony I'm 12.9

      Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:08:06 UTC from web
      1. @komaeda Rule breaker. You a baaad boy.

        Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:08:35 UTC from web
        1. @fuzzypony I'm a baaaaaaaaaaaad Fluffle Puff

          Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:09:16 UTC from web
          1. @komaeda You should go to the slammer

            Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:10:25 UTC from web
            1. @fuzzypony Already have, baby... got a girl crushed in detention. Blood went eveywhere

              Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:11:17 UTC from web
              1. @komaeda Crushed by?

                Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:12:25 UTC from web
    2. @fuzzypony A few of us are. I'm 9 and five cents.

      Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:08:07 UTC from web
      1. @zeldatra That's old considering money's worth now.

        Wednesday, 21-Aug-13 05:09:15 UTC from web