

  1. Game: Equestrivia Challenge: The Hub has tossed up a new Trivia Challenge game, probably due to the success of the questions from the election campaign. Three ponies are available at the start, with everything from quotes matching to to pony fashion and Equestrian magic. Hit it up over if you want to test your pony nerd powerlevel. Thanks to Kaistyl and Zachary for the heads up! >

    Saturday, 24-Aug-13 21:50:04 UTC from Sethisto
    1. @eqdpony GLITTER BALL TIME!

      Saturday, 24-Aug-13 22:13:34 UTC from Choqok
    2. @eqdpony This game is buggy. If you have a two-player game don't look at the scores if you want to be fair. If the first player submits its answer and it is correct the first player's score will be updated with the gained points before the second player's turn. Also on the "name the pony with this cutie mark" task there is the "cutie mark" of Zecora's but she isn't a pony.

      Saturday, 24-Aug-13 22:27:46 UTC from Choqok