

  1. Everything Wrong with Dragonshy in 4 Minutes or Less: Another edition of the Everything Wrong parody series has released. If you still have no clue what these are, you might want to check out cinemasins for some . Otherwise, go hit it up below the break! >

    Saturday, 24-Aug-13 22:20:03 UTC from Sethisto
    1. @eqdpony Oh man, bronies complaining. That's not something you see every day.

      Saturday, 24-Aug-13 22:23:08 UTC from web
      1. @zeldatra

        Saturday, 24-Aug-13 22:23:50 UTC from web
        1. @colfax I don't know what the Fluffle Puff a Fluffle Puff is, but I like it.

          Saturday, 24-Aug-13 22:25:18 UTC from web
    2. @vt3c it's only a joke chill out man

      Saturday, 24-Aug-13 22:27:12 UTC from web