

  1. Holy Christ, why has my phone's WiFi range degraded so much in the past 72 hours.

    Thursday, 29-Aug-13 02:07:32 UTC from web
    1. @zeldatra Matt I thought you just made up the 2ds but it's real, I'd buy one

      Thursday, 29-Aug-13 02:08:40 UTC from web
      1. @pokestrike It's too stupid to make up. The Nintendo 2DS is an actual thing.

        Thursday, 29-Aug-13 02:09:29 UTC from web
        1. @zeldatra I'd buy it if it wasn't such a fat ass design, I like being able to put my hand held consoles in my pockets, hell I could fit a Game Gear in my picket

          Thursday, 29-Aug-13 02:11:56 UTC from web
          1. @pokestrike *pocket

            Thursday, 29-Aug-13 02:12:16 UTC from web
          2. @pokestrike Why would you buy a 2DS in general. It's so damn ugly and you matter as well get a 3DS if you're going to spend money on a handheld console. At least THOSE you can close.

            Thursday, 29-Aug-13 02:13:26 UTC from web
            1. @flamingpandaomg I have a 3DS, but I'd still buy one, if I can fit a Game Gear in my pocket I can fit that into my pocket

              Thursday, 29-Aug-13 02:15:08 UTC from web
              1. @pokestrike Why would you buy a 2DS if you have a 3DS that's literally a waste of money.

                Thursday, 29-Aug-13 02:21:34 UTC from web
                1. @flamingpandaomg Nooo! you can now play in 2d withouth having to change that swich

                  Thursday, 29-Aug-13 02:23:32 UTC from web
                2. @flamingpandaomg Well I like the color

                  Thursday, 29-Aug-13 02:23:33 UTC from web
                  1. @pokestrike It comes in the same colors as the 3DS.

                    Thursday, 29-Aug-13 02:24:19 UTC from web
                    1. @zeldatra Actually, as of right now, LESS colors.

                      Thursday, 29-Aug-13 02:24:49 UTC from web
                  2. @pokestrike The 3DS comes in several colors.

                    Thursday, 29-Aug-13 02:24:30 UTC from web
                    1. @flamingpandaomg Yea but it's way to shiny, the 3DS has a really slick design, the 3DS xl isn't as slick, and I get eye strain from the 3DS

                      Thursday, 29-Aug-13 02:26:15 UTC from web
                      1. @pokestrike you can turn it off

                        Thursday, 29-Aug-13 02:26:59 UTC from web
                      2. @pokestrike If you're getting eyestrain from the 3DS in 2D mode the 2DS isn't going to magically fix it

                        Thursday, 29-Aug-13 02:27:21 UTC from web
    2. @pegasusjones "still" implies I've been talking about it when the others were. I wasn't. This is the first time I've mentioned it.

      Thursday, 29-Aug-13 02:28:53 UTC from web
    3. @pegasusjones Actually, it went pretty much unmentioned the rest of the day. This was sparked partially by the cartoon I released today regarding the 2DS.

      Thursday, 29-Aug-13 02:29:52 UTC from web
      1. @zeldatra Did my avatar make you animate your characters like this?

        Thursday, 29-Aug-13 02:33:17 UTC from web
        1. @pokestrike It was actually inspired by the work of Abruptly Made, specifically his old Flipnote Hatena cartoon "Roundheads."

          Thursday, 29-Aug-13 02:37:31 UTC from web
    4. @pegasusjones *foams at mouth*

      Thursday, 29-Aug-13 02:31:31 UTC from web
    5. @pegasusjones I can't stop please send helop

      Thursday, 29-Aug-13 02:33:46 UTC from web
    6. @pegasusjones Wow, my typing sucks tonight. I meant help.

      Thursday, 29-Aug-13 02:35:01 UTC from web
    7. @randomwonderbolt fa·ce·tious fəˈsēSHəs/Submit adjective 1. treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant.

      Thursday, 29-Aug-13 02:39:45 UTC from web
    8. @randomwonderbolt Ah. Well then.

      Thursday, 29-Aug-13 02:41:20 UTC from web