

  1. So chicken is mankind's greatest invention. Piece of wisdom for today.

    Saturday, 06-Aug-11 12:08:31 UTC from web
    1. @nightlight but we... didn't... create that.

      Saturday, 06-Aug-11 12:08:58 UTC from web
      1. @treblecanter Correction: fried chicken is mankind's greatest invention.

        Saturday, 06-Aug-11 12:22:35 UTC from web
        1. @nightlight chicken is trumped by alcohol in my book.

          Saturday, 06-Aug-11 12:30:41 UTC from StatusNet Android
          1. @kingcarcinopony See I would have said sex.

            Saturday, 06-Aug-11 12:32:56 UTC from web
            1. @treblecanter aye, but you see, there is a such thing as bad sex, and alcohol can make bad sex good.

              Saturday, 06-Aug-11 12:35:55 UTC from StatusNet Android
              1. @kingcarcinopony this is true. "DON'T WORRY, WE CAN'T GET PREGNANT! I'M DRUNK!"

                Saturday, 06-Aug-11 12:36:44 UTC from web
                1. @treblecanter and now its time for the 3 most common things Carcino says in bed 3. "Are you 18?" 2. "im fairly sure I'm not your father.." 1. "what condom."

                  Saturday, 06-Aug-11 12:42:17 UTC from StatusNet Android
                  1. @kingcarcinopony

                    Saturday, 06-Aug-11 12:50:08 UTC from web
                  2. @kingcarcinopony Damn, I'm glad I'm the one from an alternate timeline.

                    Saturday, 06-Aug-11 13:06:19 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    2. @nightlight You are welcome, civilization.

      Saturday, 06-Aug-11 12:09:25 UTC from web