

  1. Hmm... Yea she will atleast make an appearance. Any ideas on a "relationship" for twilight?

    Saturday, 07-Sep-13 22:44:17 UTC from web
    1. @jcpruett1298 what the hell?

      Saturday, 07-Sep-13 22:49:27 UTC from web
      1. [r]@mushi what do you mean what the hell? Haven't you seen equestria girls? Twi has a crush[/r]

        Saturday, 07-Sep-13 22:51:45 UTC from web
        1. @jcpruett1298 oh that, unfortunatelly i have seen that. Now i'm in an endless quest to forget about it, but it has had little effect

          Saturday, 07-Sep-13 22:52:42 UTC from web
        2. @jcpruett1298 inb4 "Equestria Girls was a lovely Katie Parry parody" #

          Saturday, 07-Sep-13 22:56:43 UTC from web
          1. @critialcloudkicker it was also a movie lol

            Saturday, 07-Sep-13 22:58:40 UTC from web
            1. @jcpruett1298 LOVELY KATIE PERRY PARODY !!! #

              Saturday, 07-Sep-13 22:59:08 UTC from web
              1. @critialcloudkicker @jcpruett1298 naw just kidding, I have not even seen it yet

                Saturday, 07-Sep-13 22:59:36 UTC from web
            2. @jcpruett1298 he was probably reffering to this

              Saturday, 07-Sep-13 23:00:43 UTC from web
              1. @mushi ik... I've seen it

                Saturday, 07-Sep-13 23:01:52 UTC from web
    2. @sprite oh, i shall not say a word in that subject anymore

      Saturday, 07-Sep-13 22:51:41 UTC from web
    3. @jcpruett1298 I have yet to see all of the episodes in the "regular non human" series I am afraid... Too little time... And I would feel too exposed if I were to watch ponies here. Not that I would mind, but a security guard watching my little pony ? Can you immagine what that would do for my scaryness ? Around these parts security guards need to be scary

      Saturday, 07-Sep-13 23:03:11 UTC from web
      1. @critialcloudkicker so you're at work and watching it huh? Well I reccomend watching it... May become important to understand season 4

        Saturday, 07-Sep-13 23:05:04 UTC from web
        1. @jcpruett1298 I will watch it before season 4 starts to air. Untill then. I am watching NCIS

          Saturday, 07-Sep-13 23:05:29 UTC from web
          1. @critialcloudkicker lol ok... I just forum until season 4 or play video games.

            Saturday, 07-Sep-13 23:06:49 UTC from web
            1. @jcpruett1298 Vidya games :)

              Saturday, 07-Sep-13 23:07:17 UTC from web
        2. @jcpruett1298 if EqG affects S4 in any form and shape. I'm out of all this fandom thing

          Saturday, 07-Sep-13 23:06:00 UTC from web
          1. @mushi well since twilight has a crush in EqG, it may affect season 4. Maybe the portal will come back

            Saturday, 07-Sep-13 23:07:40 UTC from web
            1. @jcpruett1298 exactly, and that is when i drop the show while i stil have good memories of it

              Saturday, 07-Sep-13 23:08:48 UTC from web
              1. @mushi well depends. If they use Fim to broadcast EqG stuff then I'm done. But if they use an episode, say to introduce a spinoff or just one episode alone I'm ok with it

                Saturday, 07-Sep-13 23:10:29 UTC from web
                1. @jcpruett1298 i already lost my faith in the writers for the kiwi they did with EqG, if they touch the actual series with this i'm done

                  Saturday, 07-Sep-13 23:11:28 UTC from web
    4. @sprite they screwed up big time and making a spinoff is a even bigger mistake

      Saturday, 07-Sep-13 23:15:03 UTC from web
    5. @sprite romance is the one thing that makes mes almost instantly quit anything, and that is what they did to EqG, so, yeah, i dont ha e anyfaith in them anymore

      Saturday, 07-Sep-13 23:16:22 UTC from web
    6. @sprite look at the hate made from a movie in "human form"... Now imagine what could occur from another series from a fandom that really keeps this show going. Without the brony fandom it would be boring and most likely the creatorss

      Saturday, 07-Sep-13 23:17:10 UTC from web
    7. @sprite i though i was being ostensibly lonelly enough here. I uess i'm wrong

      Saturday, 07-Sep-13 23:18:57 UTC from web
    8. @sprite pony romance kills fan fics... I believe that's what @mushi point is

      Saturday, 07-Sep-13 23:20:29 UTC from web
      1. @jcpruett1298 no, my point is i deslike romance and i though the show woulndt have it

        Saturday, 07-Sep-13 23:21:02 UTC from web
    9. @sprite ok , here is my point, yes, i do not want a marriage or any thing resemblance of a relationship

      Saturday, 07-Sep-13 23:21:57 UTC from web
    10. @spritei know i'm gonna see it everywhere, and yes, i do exclude myself from everything and do not have an actual social life

      Saturday, 07-Sep-13 23:25:28 UTC from web
    11. @sprite well, i'm gonna need that

      Saturday, 07-Sep-13 23:26:42 UTC from web