for all you jacksonville bronys come join my group !jaxbronygroup
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 03:07:38 UTC from web-
@zachgamr there is already a Jacksonville group
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 03:08:09 UTC from web-
@rarity to bad this one is for the active more kick ass bronys
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 03:09:19 UTC from web-
@zachgamr just use the first group!
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 03:09:35 UTC from web-
@rarity no read there comments my group is created and there not even active?
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 03:10:21 UTC from web-
@zachgamr and you're the only one in you group. Equally inactive.
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 03:10:56 UTC from web-
@rarity i just created mine and my account today ty
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 03:11:32 UTC from web-
@zachgamr fine, it's no skin off my nose.
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 03:12:00 UTC from web
@zachgamr Redundant group is redundant.
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 03:11:17 UTC from web -
@zachgamr This is irrelevant. If there is already a group for your area you use it.
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 03:11:49 UTC from web-
@ecmc to bad
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 03:12:29 UTC from web-
@zachgamr >saying 'too bad' to a mod.
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 03:12:46 UTC from web-
@flamingpandaomg to bad*
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 03:13:11 UTC from web-
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 03:14:40 UTC from web
@flamingpandaomg That's ''to bad''. Spell correct.
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 03:14:18 UTC from web
@zachgamr excuse me?
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 03:12:58 UTC from web
@rarity this way us active people who want to chill more and get out more and make friends have an actual group which its time to open up the jax communtiy anyhow
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 03:11:16 UTC from web