Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:09:43 UTC from web
are you Fluffle Puffing kidding me
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:10:00 UTC from web-
@rarity what is with these gay remarks to cuss words?
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:11:28 UTC from web-
@zachgamr oh boy, homophobic slurs! I'm liking you more and more. And the website filters swears to different things
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:12:06 UTC from web-
@rarity To be fair there was no slurs there.
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:13:11 UTC from web-
@nerthos It still mangoed me off, but yeah.
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:14:38 UTC from web-
@rarity You have a very low tolerance for anything related to it
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:15:48 UTC from web-
@nerthos I wonder why?
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:16:22 UTC from web-
@rarity Wouldn't know.
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:17:05 UTC from web-
@nerthos I have my reasons.
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:18:01 UTC from web-
@rarity Despite your reasons getting offended at minor things and acting accordingly it isn't a very good way to go through life.
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:20:15 UTC from web-
@nerthos You can just stop right there. I'm not taking life advice from you. I can be civil with you, but it's not happening.
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:21:31 UTC from web-
@rarity Oh, by no means I expect you to.
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:22:23 UTC from web-
@nerthos It's at the point where I don't trust anything you say, actually. You could be offering solid advice and I wouldn't care. Probably wrong of me, but oh well. And I guess that point is irrelevant anyways so whatever
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:25:15 UTC from web-
@rarity why u seem like a hater rare?
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:26:14 UTC from web-
@zachgamr dont be so hateful gurl
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:26:30 UTC from web -
@zachgamr Don't make judgements when you've been here less than half a day.
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:26:38 UTC from web-
@flamingpandaomg listen to what shes saying
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:27:06 UTC from web-
@zachgamr I'm wholly aware of what Nico's saying, but I know him much better than you do, and you don't know anybody here to even begin to make judgements.
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:28:03 UTC from web-
@flamingpandaomg kool
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:28:34 UTC from web
@zachgamr Why "u" seem like an uneducated moron?
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:26:40 UTC from web-
@rarity hey im being educated lady
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:27:32 UTC from web-
@zachgamr You live in Jacksonville! What kind of education can you get there? I've been to Jacksonville. It's not a good place.
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:28:22 UTC from web-
@rarity it is a good place rather really nice some of the school districts
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:29:17 UTC from web-
@zachgamr but uve probably been to downtown* which isnt so "nice"
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:29:36 UTC from web -
@zachgamr I don't want to argue anymore. Please stop talking to me.
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:30:01 UTC from web-
@rarity stop posting to me
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:30:45 UTC from web
@rarity You're just being a bigot there.
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:30:09 UTC from web-
@nerthos Have you ever been to Jacksonville?
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:31:12 UTC from web-
@rarity i have i live here its a nice place
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:32:26 UTC from web-
@zachgamr I asked you to stop talking to me. Please respect my wishes.
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:32:52 UTC from web-
@rarity hello no lady
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:33:32 UTC from web-
@zachgamr Stop talking to me or I'll tattle. Does that work for you?
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:34:23 UTC from web-
@rarity tattle what?
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:35:08 UTC from web
@zachgamr He's not being the most nice guy but you are outright trying to pick a fight at this point. It's time to stop.
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:34:37 UTC from web-
@nerthos eeh ok
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:36:02 UTC from web
@rarity A person's place of origin is in no way an accurate way to measure it's worth.
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:32:37 UTC from web-
@nerthos All I meant was, I am of the opinion that one cannot receive a decent education from a Jacksonville school.
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:35:18 UTC from web-
@rarity u got ur own opinion gl in ur fancy school
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:36:17 UTC from web-
@zachgamr stop
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:36:41 UTC from web -
@zachgamr Because I really don't have to ban you so soon after joining.
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:37:14 UTC from web
@rarity Yet a person can complement school education by dedicating time to study extra topics by themself, and I've seen it happen many times.
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:36:58 UTC from web-
@nerthos Alright, but personally, I'm not holding my breath.
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:38:35 UTC from web
@rarity fluffle puffin fluf
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:13:31 UTC from web -
@rarity nice to know im loved
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:14:24 UTC from web
@ma252 Hello Zach.
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:10:39 UTC from web-
@awlpony hi
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 04:11:43 UTC from web
!jaxbronygroup For a first time meetup and starting for this group me and my buddy are going down to chilis this monday message me if any are interested in grabbing a bite to eat with some pals!
Sunday, 22-Sep-13 05:40:28 UTC from web