


    Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 20:38:29 UTC from web
    1. @rarity S*rew u

      Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 20:39:39 UTC from web
      1. @petrothebrony oh my

        Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 20:40:26 UTC from web
        1. @rarity I know I was mean, but I think u know that 99 percent of people here are Bronies. This does NOT mean they are homosexuals.

          Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 20:43:04 UTC from web
          1. @petrothebrony >implying I was implying that

            Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 20:43:24 UTC from web
          2. @petrothebrony chill out

            Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 20:43:30 UTC from web
            1. @rarity Ok

              Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 20:44:12 UTC from web
          3. @petrothebrony Calm down man, he was not accusing you af anything. He linked that because it's funny, nothing else.

            Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 20:43:46 UTC from web
            1. @weedlordhitler At school lots of guys try to bully me. Sorry to be little bit hot tempered:(

              Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 20:45:08 UTC from web
              1. @petrothebrony Don't worry about it man.

                Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 20:46:56 UTC from web
              2. @petrothebrony Oh, temperance, my first issue when I was a year younger. Bullies are bullies, they're pathetic even before they started insulting you. Just a food for thought. Take this from a guy who previously has a temper of a nanometer. (no joke, I'm that sentsitive)

                Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 20:47:41 UTC from web
                1. @beatstrings I just beat up bullies, when they tuch me, But at Greece it doesn't really work.

                  Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 20:48:54 UTC from web
                  1. @petrothebrony Oh, doesn't matter from what country, just learn some psyche-out talking and take the first submission of victory when they fall to your sarcasm.

                    Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 20:51:16 UTC from web
                    1. @beatstrings Footnote: Insult + smile/happy stance = priceless reaction, so clueless they make a fool of themselves.

                      Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 20:51:58 UTC from web
                    2. @beatstrings I had debating club this summer, but it didn't really help.

                      Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 20:52:39 UTC from web
                      1. @petrothebrony Oh, it doesn't come from any society, it's from tongue twisting sentence mashing witty idea that kills their pathetic mind to think and process what you just said. I love to see someone execute it. C:

                        Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 20:53:50 UTC from web
                        1. @beatstrings What I'm trying to say is, get technical, and that starts from you. :)

                          Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 20:54:20 UTC from web
                          1. @beatstrings I'll try it at school tomorrow.

                            Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 20:55:04 UTC from web
                        2. @beatstrings Thanks MAN!!!!!

                          Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 20:55:22 UTC from web
                          1. @petrothebrony Oh, by the way, if they're REALLY hostile, alert your body, they lose if they draw an attack from just words of mouth.

                            Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 20:57:13 UTC from web
                            1. @beatstrings I'm quite good at fighting, therefore theyh will defenatelly loose:)

                              Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 20:58:39 UTC from web
                              1. @petrothebrony Oh, very glad to hear! Be safe now. :)

                                Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 20:59:37 UTC from web
                                1. @beatstrings I will:)

                                  Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 20:59:56 UTC from web
    2. @rarity How does it know

      Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 20:39:58 UTC from web
      1. @thelastgherkin that's a magical .gif that says a personal message

        Wednesday, 25-Sep-13 20:41:20 UTC from web