

  1. Well that was short-lived...

    Monday, 11-Nov-13 06:00:48 UTC from web
    1. @potatow I agree with you, kind sir.

      Monday, 11-Nov-13 06:01:06 UTC from web
      1. @marugo Ten percent Rainbow, twenty percent Dash, fifteen percent concentrated networking bash. Welcome to RDN!

        Monday, 11-Nov-13 06:01:09 UTC from ‮ renroC ebucraguS
      2. @marugo Do you even know what that was about?

        Monday, 11-Nov-13 06:01:41 UTC from web
      3. @marugo Oh, and welcome to RDN!

        Monday, 11-Nov-13 06:01:59 UTC from web
      4. @marugo Welcome :D

        Monday, 11-Nov-13 06:02:22 UTC from web