

  1. # A Hasbro employee will read a # and find it strikingly similar to an episode in production. As reading fanfiction is strictly disallowed, said episode will be dropped to prevent legal action from the predictor.

    Friday, 12-Aug-11 17:52:15 UTC from web
    1. @thelastgherkin is that true? they can't even read fanfiction?

      Monday, 22-Aug-11 05:54:00 UTC from web
      1. @nightwillow Totally true. They legally can't read any fanfiction AT ALL as it may subconsciously influence their own episodes. If an episode ends up being similar to a fanfic, the ficwriter can take them to court over it, and in very rare cases win rights over the episode in question.

        Monday, 22-Aug-11 08:50:01 UTC from web