

  1. what is up bronies?

    Friday, 12-Aug-11 22:09:27 UTC from web
    1. @zachariastargazer how is my bio a lie?

      Friday, 12-Aug-11 22:10:46 UTC from web
    2. @rainbowdashismycopilot Oh hay there.

      Friday, 12-Aug-11 22:11:22 UTC from web
    3. @zachariastargazer Equestria space agency?

      Friday, 12-Aug-11 22:13:08 UTC from web
    4. @zachariastargazer well i'm in the private sector of spaceflight

      Friday, 12-Aug-11 22:13:59 UTC from web
    5. @zachariastargazer likewise, we must find a way to get luna back, in case celestia has another... episode

      Friday, 12-Aug-11 22:15:52 UTC from web
    6. @zachariastargazer too bad i missed that, we're working on a faster-than-friendship drive atm xD

      Friday, 12-Aug-11 22:19:04 UTC from web
      1. @rainbowdashismycopilot Ahhh, so you're involved with the DERP (Dilithium-Energized Rainbow Propulsion) Drive?

        Friday, 12-Aug-11 22:28:56 UTC from web
        1. @astra wassup Astra?

          Friday, 12-Aug-11 22:29:33 UTC from StatusNet Android
          1. @kingcarcinopony Hope, Carcino. My hope is up, for it is almost the weekend! :) And you?

            Friday, 12-Aug-11 22:32:13 UTC from web
            1. @astra yay! Just gettin ready to go out with friends.

              Friday, 12-Aug-11 22:36:26 UTC from StatusNet Android
              1. @kingcarcinopony That sounds like a great plan to me! Still not entirely sure what I'll be doing this weekend. It's supposed to be a pretty one here, so I might hit the trails a bit, maybe hit this really nice outlet mall to do a little shopping, etc. Of course, it IS also City of Heroes double XP weekend. Either way, it will probably involve time with my honey, which will be nice. :)

                Friday, 12-Aug-11 23:00:31 UTC from web
                1. @astra what do you know, I had to stay inside and take care of my family all Dang week and the one day I want to do something they already have plans. That's gratitude for ya.

                  Friday, 12-Aug-11 23:10:44 UTC from StatusNet Android
                  1. @kingcarcinopony Awww! That's just not right. :( I'm sorry to hear that. So, what's your plan B?

                    Friday, 12-Aug-11 23:22:26 UTC from web
                    1. @astra hello you

                      Friday, 12-Aug-11 23:23:13 UTC from web
                      1. @theawesomepony Hello, Awesome! How are you doing today?

                        Friday, 12-Aug-11 23:28:50 UTC from web
                        1. @astra im okay im a bit confused by what some other pony just said to me

                          Friday, 12-Aug-11 23:29:38 UTC from web
                          1. @theawesomepony Well, if that's the worst of it, it does sound like you're doing well. ;) And it looks like even that has been straightened out, sooooo . . .

                            Friday, 12-Aug-11 23:34:03 UTC from web
                            1. @astra yeah it has so whatcha uo too ?

                              Friday, 12-Aug-11 23:37:30 UTC from web
                              1. @theawesomepony Oh, taking a little break from work, for the moment. Another hour and a half to go, and then I can call it a week.

                                Friday, 12-Aug-11 23:42:51 UTC from web
                                1. @astra ah okay cool what is your job

                                  Friday, 12-Aug-11 23:44:09 UTC from web
                    2. @astra lay in bed.

                      Friday, 12-Aug-11 23:23:17 UTC from StatusNet Android
                      1. @kingcarcinopony Actually, there are days where that sounds like the best plan ever.

                        Friday, 12-Aug-11 23:29:19 UTC from web
                        1. @astra not for me. I can't stand being home. I like to be outside with my friends. Away from whatever cruel punishment this house likes to throw my way.

                          Friday, 12-Aug-11 23:32:04 UTC from StatusNet Android
                          1. @kingcarcinopony Eep! Your house likes to punish you?

                            Friday, 12-Aug-11 23:35:24 UTC from web
                            1. @astra I consider living here a punishment of sorts. Fiercely independent I am, to the point where I would move out if I could. Ahh thats a dream.

                              Friday, 12-Aug-11 23:37:15 UTC from StatusNet Android
                              1. @kingcarcinopony Ahhh, but forced to live there with family, for now, hm?

                                Friday, 12-Aug-11 23:42:10 UTC from web
                                1. @astra yes. Double forced because I have to take care of everyone. Blah

                                  Friday, 12-Aug-11 23:44:14 UTC from StatusNet Android
        2. @astra actually that's our competitors design, ours is currently proprietary

          Friday, 12-Aug-11 22:29:39 UTC from web
          1. @rainbowdashismycopilot Proprietary? That sounds, uhm . . . Well, as long as you're not the test pilot, right? ;) And thanks! Been around for a few months now, but still feel new compared to most here.

            Friday, 12-Aug-11 22:34:22 UTC from web
        3. @astra also welcome to RDN, I dunno how long you've been here though :P

          Friday, 12-Aug-11 22:30:43 UTC from web