

  1. @greydragon412 Not so great. I've been busy with pretty much everything but lately, so it's kind of tough to get on it. @puzzlemint Hopefully I can get one working in the near future. Alternatively, I could let another remixer in the field take care of that. We'll see. @redenchilada Nearly once or twice a day, yes.

    Friday, 12-Aug-11 23:37:14 UTC from web
    1. @eurobeatbrony That's hilarious. Have you seen the comments on this one Nyxabuse image on Ponibooru? They're quite hilarious.

      Friday, 12-Aug-11 23:39:32 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
      1. @redenchilada I haven't been to Ponibooru for a month or two. Honestly, I don't have much time. (As in, once I hit "enter" I need to get back on the ball.)

        Friday, 12-Aug-11 23:41:18 UTC from web
    2. @abigpony

      Friday, 12-Aug-11 23:41:06 UTC from web
    3. @abigpony It's even marked Questionable because of butthurt Nyx fans, lol.

      Friday, 12-Aug-11 23:42:47 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    4. @abigpony There's two more under the tag, and one under the tag that isn't actually abuse.

      Friday, 12-Aug-11 23:45:05 UTC from StatusNet Desktop