

  1. All this data makes a beutiful line, and we're out of beta so we're releasing on time, so I'm GLaD I got burned think of all the things we learned for the people who are still alive.

    Saturday, 13-Aug-11 00:19:42 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    1. @derps Because that's what I'm counting on.

      Saturday, 13-Aug-11 00:20:47 UTC from web
      1. @commodorecrazycommanderofthe1stroyalbrigadeofspiceracksandcheese What? That's from "Want You Gone".

        Saturday, 13-Aug-11 00:22:01 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    2. @derpy !derp.

      Saturday, 13-Aug-11 00:22:34 UTC from MuSTArDroid