

  1. The Cabal has arrived.

    Monday, 04-Apr-11 23:23:56 UTC from web
    1. @derpy Derp

      Saturday, 13-Aug-11 02:09:30 UTC from web
    2. @derpy I feel like I'm the only brony with more than one special talent >.<

      Saturday, 13-Aug-11 02:11:33 UTC from web
    3. @derpy Just a bit. I'm the only Brony I know who's active in the BSA.

      Saturday, 13-Aug-11 02:12:27 UTC from web
      1. @eaglehooves @angel is

        Saturday, 13-Aug-11 02:34:57 UTC from web
        1. @starshine

          Saturday, 13-Aug-11 02:37:46 UTC from web
          1. @loak

            Saturday, 13-Aug-11 03:01:23 UTC from web
    4. @derpy That's versatility, not boredom.

      Saturday, 13-Aug-11 02:13:07 UTC from web
    5. @derpy Oh. That works, I just thought that the two statements were connected. What would a boredom cutie mark look like?

      Saturday, 13-Aug-11 02:14:49 UTC from web
    6. @derpy My cutie mark would be a book with cake on top, and on top of the cake would be headphones. I wanna be a Voice Actress, an Author, or a cake baker.

      Saturday, 13-Aug-11 02:15:09 UTC from web
    7. @zachariastargazer You have an obsession with the planet Saturn?

      Saturday, 13-Aug-11 02:16:34 UTC from web
    8. @zachariastargazer Me too!

      Saturday, 13-Aug-11 02:17:20 UTC from web
    9. @zachariastargazer I stayed with it for 11ish years, then came back after I turned 18 to help. I've heard that your experience can vary widely depending on troop.

      Saturday, 13-Aug-11 02:17:26 UTC from web
    10. @zachariastargazer #

      Saturday, 13-Aug-11 02:17:56 UTC from web
    11. @zachariastargazer Space is awesomeness.

      Saturday, 13-Aug-11 02:18:57 UTC from web
    12. @zachariastargazer Some of us like that. Of course, we got out to the rifle range and out fishing a bit as well. And there's been a few times training from scouts has been very useful.

      Saturday, 13-Aug-11 02:20:34 UTC from web
    13. @derpy Would that pony have a cutie mark? I feel a ponyception coming on...

      Saturday, 13-Aug-11 02:22:27 UTC from web
    14. @zachariastargazer That's too bad, but it isn't for everypony. One of my best friends felt that way.

      Saturday, 13-Aug-11 02:23:35 UTC from web